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Travelling with Cairns


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I will be travelling via airplane with my pup and I have forgotten what the "rules" are in terms of getting him ready. :( We have an 8PM flight so should I not give him any food and water during the day, or just no food? Any tips for making the experience more comfortable and troublefree for him?

Thank you. :)

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I think it's either 3 or 5 hours before the flight to restrict food. I gave him ice during the trip. Put something in the crate he loves. Like a toy or smelly old sock.

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He will be travelling in a soft carry bag since he will be my "carry on" for the flight. It is a long flight - NY to Seattle - so he will need to be in the bag about 8 hours total. :( I did this flight with him a couple of times when he was younger/smaller, but not sure how he will be now. And I have forgotten all the suggestions/advice that was given about food, water, etc. :(

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Great that he will be your carry on. I am always nervous about having them in the baggage compartment. What about a couple of rubber kongs for the trip. You could have two with different treats inside. He won't be able to get them out but he will be entertained for quite a while. You could give him one if he gets fussy and another later on.

Try the website for your airline for specific information. Most of them have requirements and good hints.

This is from Unitied Airline but others will have information too.


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Thanks. I am just worried about the 8 hours in the carry bag for him. :( And also, still trying to figure out how to give him food and water that day. For an 8PM flight should we skip breakfast as well? And how long can they go without water? Unfortunately he will not be able to leave the bag until we land in Seattle.

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