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Do you celebrate your cairn's birthday?


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:party: I know Finch turned one this month, but don't know the date so I'm singing "Happy Birthday Finch" :whistle: and hoping I'm close to the date. Sorry if Finche's birthday was posted and I missed it, but I looked and didn't see it.

Shoe, Did you, or are you going to have a party for Finch? :cake: Just wondered what others do for their cairn baby on his/her birthday. Our cairns always get a special treat and a new toy. Actually, they all get something but the birthday cairn gets something extra. I can't believe my baby Hannah will be one in less than 3 wks, and yes, we will have a party for her.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Thanks for the birthday wishes! Actually, Finch turned one on March 21 and Scout turned 3 on April 1st. We decided to (well, actually it was just me!) celebrate their birthdays together. I bought a package of gourmet cookies (they actually smelled like human cookies) and a few new toys for them. Scout and Finch enjoyed the cookies and tearing up their new toys, although they had no idea why they were getting all these new treats!

Here are some recent pics of the birthday girls!

Scout...in the wind!




I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of baby Hannah's 1st birthday!

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Scully will be two on June 15th. We do new toys but that's about it (I'm a bad, bad, mom). My next door neighbor with the shepherd has a birthday party complete with balloons, etc. and we get invited to that.

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Yes, we do. Piper's birthday was this past Wednesday (the 13th). She was 2. She had a 'cake' with candles (really just dog food, lol) and gifts. Even my neighbor, her friend's 'Mom' brought a gift over for her. I didn't get any good pictures this year but here's one from last year:


Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Thanks, Joanne and Kim! Happy Birthday to Piper!!

Hey, maybe we could have a Birthday chart somewhere so we can say Happy Birthday to all the Birthday Cairns..what do you think, Brad??

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Beth, I have NO clue...LOL! I did a google search for "cairn pictures" and kept clicking until I found one that I liked. I love colors so much in it I made it my background on my 'puter.

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Happy Belated Birthday to Scout, Finch and Piper!

Carolina turned 7 on Jan 21st. My parents have her littermate, Lindy, and for the past 3 or 4 years, my mom has us over for dinner, along with my bro. to celebrate the dogs' birthday. We have a cake, light candles and sing. It's a people cake so the dogs don't get any but they do get presents. (I think my parents REALLY need grandkids! DH and I have been waiting for that for over 4 years and working on adopting an infant for over 2 years. Guess our "granddog" will have to do for now!)

Can you say SPOILED?!?!?!!!


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Happy Birthday Scout, Finch, & Piper

from the Hallsworth Pups



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Liz, the pictures you take of "the kids" are absolutely amazing. They always looks like they're having a great time. I wish I lived near you I'd love to have you see if you could get some good pictures of Scully.

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Happy Birthday to all the pups. The boys send greetings.

Liz you do the very best pictures and your dogs are so photogenic. Apart from that, next to cairns, pugs are about my favourite dog.

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Happy Birthday to Scout and Finch. We celebrate both my boys birthdays, in fact Mickey just turned 6 months old yesterday so both he and Duffy got a little roast beef from our dinner. Today we took Mickey in to get neutered. :( I know, what a terrible birthday present, but tonight when he gets home, we will have a little more roast beef and a really nice toy waiting for him. :D


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Liz, that is the best picture!!

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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