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Do you spell in front of your dog?


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We really had to laugh last night when my husband asked me if I wanted a C O O K I E. I figure one of these Rebel will learn what we are spelling. We now spell works like P-A-R-K, O-U-T-S-I-D-E, H-U-N-G-R-y

Does anyone else spell in front of the doggies or "boys" as they are known in my home?


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Oh yeah! We have to spell w-a-l-k in front of our "boys" I really have to be all ready to go before I open the drawer that has their leashes inside. As soon as I open the drawer they start going nuts, barking, growling, etc.

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Oh, I forgot to add, my husband thought it was funny to say "walk" after I had spelled it, that is until Yoda picked his leash up off the floor and threw it at him when he said that. Hee Hee, he so deserved it.

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Y-E-S! :D

We have to spell C-A-R, and W-A-L-K

These dogs are so smart. When the doorman

calls on the phone to tell us someone is on the way up...Grilly

immediately runs to the door and starts to bark! He knows the

difference from a "regular" phone call! :confused: How does he

do that??


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Guest Darcy's Mom

Bridgette, I had to laugh when I read your post about the w-a-l-k. Serves your husband right if he spoke the word. We have to do the same thing with Darcy. If she hears me accidently say "walk" she immediately glues herself to me even it it wasn't used in the context of do you want to go for a walk? And if I start towards her leash that hangs on a hook in our den she goes crazy. I have to be very careful not to even go near it.

Our other dog, Molly, on the other hand has to have t-r-e-a-t spelled out or she immediately cocks her ear (only one stands up) and gives me that stare. She is part Scottie and mostly Jack Russel terrier as far as being soooo smart. And if I get her leash out, boy she goes nuts! She knows the difference between where her leash is kept (in a drawer) and where Darcy's leash is.


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How funny! I stopped and thought, yes, we do spell T R E A T, but my oldest, Kiara even seems to be catching on to that and will run to the cabinet. We also spell O U T in the afternoon. The first thing the cairns want to do when I come home w/ my dd after school is run and play in the backyard. I always tell my dd not to say the word "out" until she's ready to play, otherwise they start yapping up a storm. Oh, we also spell our cat's name, Tai. If Kiara hears the cat's name, she thinks an invitation to chase him down.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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We have to spell out similar words too.


b-y-e b-y-e



n-i-t-e n-i-t-e



And the biggest one.....e-a-t! LOL!

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We spell everything. W-a-l-k; o-u-t; t-r-e-a-t; c-o-o-k-i-e; b-a-c-k-y-a-r-d etc.

The scary part is that when I spell w-a-l-k they still know what I mean so now we say s-t-r-o-l-l

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Yes, we do/ Funny what a great speller Piper is becoming, though. ;)

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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We spell "b-y-e, b-y-e", "c-a-r r-i-d-e", "t-r-e-a-t", "w-a-l-k", "M-c-D-o-n-a-l-d-s" (our oldest LOVES french fries)...I know, I know...bad, bad for them!

We can't say "bag" (for their poopies) or they go nutty knowing we are going bye -bye! We can't say "stroll" anymore, either! They are even learning what the word "depart" means!!!!

The thing is, we don't even have to spell anymore! They just "know" when we are readying for a "walk" or "bye-bye". We have tried numerous ways of tricking them, but they just KNOW! Must be body movements, tone of voice????

My youngest Cairn now knows that when hubby gets his tennis shoes on, that means "walk", too!

They are just TOO smart!!!


Cathy and Piper

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I don't have to spell yet but if I am getting on my slide on shoes you best believe that Toto is stuck to me like glue. (Those are the ones that I put on for bathroom trips and play trips outside) They are just so smart! - Darsey

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I spell o-u-t-s-i-d-e, unless I'm ready to go out. My family thinks I'm crazy to spell things!

P.S. Does anybody else's dog run to the door when the Domino's television commercial comes on? It goes, (doorbell rings) "get the door, it's Domino's". Petey is all over that front door when he hears that commerical. haha.

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We have to spell out W-A-L-T, Allie's best border collie friend, who lives down the street. And we can't walk that way on our regular walks either or she thinks she's on her way to play with W-A-L-T. :P

Walt has such a vocabulary that we would be spelling ALL the time around him. He knows commands including "don't lick," and if told to "Go get chicken" will pick up the chicken toy. He can tell the difference between "ball," "chicken," "frisbee," etc. etc. Knows the name of his cat. Knows my hubby's name (one of his favorite playmates). Knows Allie's name.

I think we should teach him to answer the phone.

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Duffy and Mickey spell better than we do, so no, spelling does not work. :lol: We use code words;



outside/yard, etc.

Ditto on Dominos or any other commercial where there is a ringing doorbell, ringing phone, ringing ANYTHING!


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