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Fighting Cairns


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I have a 9 year old and a 16 month old female Cairns. Both are rescues. I got my oldest, Riley 4 years ago and my youngest, Molly, in July 2023. About 3 weeks ago, Molly attacked Riley. Riley had to have 2 stitches. They have been tolerating and even playing a bit then today Molly attacked again. I noticed Riley had been growling at her this morning and didn't want to let her out of her crate so I think Riley starts things and pushes Molly. We have an appointment with a Trainer and Behavioralist later this month...but it is so expensive. Has anyone had success with getting their girls to be friends or at least stop fighting after one has hurt the other? I'm open to suggestions.  

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I'm sorry your girls are getting into it. We have had issues in the past. I'm a bit swamped with a nose work trial this weekend so don't have time over the next few days to think or type much, but for what they're worth here are some thoughts from a vaguely related post.

Summer can be slow on the forum due to general busyness but in time you may get better or more focused responses as folks check in from time to time. Hang in there!

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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