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While in the park yesterday a lady said Rebel looked like a cute little Ewok. I guess that just about covers my grooming efforts. HAHA

I thought she might have a point so today looked at Ewoks . I think they both have the cute furry thing going but that is about all. Well maybe the Ewoks have the little head tilt thing also.

I wonder what animal(s) the Ewoks were based on? Maybe a cross between a teddy bear and a cairn.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


My firend's daughter always called Ghillie, Yoda Ears when he was a puppy and now calls him Wolfman Jack.


EWOK, Yoda Ears and Wolfman Jack???? No respect! :D


And my daughter wanted the name Chewbaka instead of Alfie!

Guest mrskti

everytime I look Dori in the face, i call her an Ewok!!! Too funny!!! She has a different face than Ellie though.


Ewok? I DON'T think so!!! Cairns are a hundred times cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yoda's proud of his ears. I loved the Ewoks they were cute.


My Winnie looks like Alf (remember the alien who ate cats?) When someone mentioned that to me along time ago I felt insulted until I looked at her a bit closer....SHE DOES! Too bad she's 11 or I'd rename her :lol:

Okay, now I can show my ignorance...what is an Ewok?


This is an Ewok.

They were those little furry creatures from one of the Star Wars movies.

When Liddy was a puppy, before she grew into her ears, I thought they looked like a Gremlin's ears.


"Gremlin" would be an awesome name for a Cairn :devil::devil::devil: !


Cathy and Piper


once someone told me abe was so ugly he was cute!

I was mightily offended for him!

I don't think Ewok covers it either...their faces and personalities are sooooooo expressive that I almost forget he is a four legged child instead of one of my two legged children.


An Ewok? That's an insult. :P

I used to call my Cairn "satellite" because of his ears when he was a little pup. Finally he grew into his ears so is not funny anymore to keep him calling like that. :innocent:


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