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Fonzie about 1.5 years ago at age 13

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These were just a year or so before fonzie went from 5 yr old puppy to a "senior cairn". Good news is the librela side effects are wearing off and he's getting control in his back legs now! I don't think he'll ever be as hip as he was when he was younger, but having full function of his legs are much better than none! 


Here's some of my fav videos ❤️







Edited by Newman
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Posted (edited)

Can you go in a circle if you love me?💕


Ty for watching! That should be all for now..

edit: I looked at his medical records, and apparently he reached up to 28 lbs at one point, lol way out of the average cairn terrier range.. he's just built like a tank I guess no idea

Edited by Newman

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On 2/11/2024 at 11:03 AM, bradl said:

That's a relief to hear and good news indeed. 

thank you brad ❤. yeah he actually ran down the hallway recently to play with his toy. but only does a couple runs before he goes to his food dish, lol. i think it's his way of telling us he needs to take a break 😅

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  • 3 months later...

Glad he is feeling better!  Spike does the circling thing, too.  And in the rum video, I love it when you see the whites of their eyes, Spike has that same look when something intrigues him.  

I do not drink anymore, and I know you are not actually giving him rum, but I remember our previous terrier, who was some kind of Wheaton mix or something, would go for some mixed drinks if you didn't keep them out of range.  One day, I was talking to my mom on the phone-- must have been 2002 or something-- and drinking a Tequila lemonade. I got absorbed in what we were talking about, put my drink down...

And then noticed Fred was standing on one of the end tables, next to a my drink and half under a lampshade, with a very goofy expression on his face.  Checked my glass, which had been almost full, and half of it was gone.  We were horrified, but he suffered no ill effects.  

Our poodle drank champagne on a few occasions, usually holidays, always when we were distracted and looked away for a moment, but never to excess (unlike Fred did on the occasion I just described.  Fred was a little drunk; the poodle never was.)  He would sneak few licks/sips and he was fine-- by the time we'd go to chase him away, he was done, had no more interest.  And he stopped doing it when he was about 12, as an older person might decide to stop drinking at a certain point.  He actually drank like a gentleman... though of course, the terrier did not!

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