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Update post after all these years


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@bradl I don't have access to my email on this account anymore, so thank goodness I remembered my password haha.


So glad to see some of you guys still here. I definitely remember some usernames and cairns! I need to keep looking!


Anyways, just wanted to come here and post an update about Fonzie and where I've been. After my grandma passed in 2017, I  stopped coming here and a lot of websites to be honest. However, I want to tell you guys something that happened when my grandma was in the ICU. It's pretty personal, but want to share it here to show you all how Fonzie had such an immense impact on our lives.


My grandma was in the ICU that year with really bad COPD. While at the hospital, she even got pneumonia.. it was really bad. She had a  large bipap mask on and couldn't talk. After a week or so, the doctors tried to remove it so she could breathe on her own, but she couldn't. So they had to intubate her. I remember right before they did, I cracked a joke about fonzie's wiggle butt and she smiled/acknowledged it. It was the only thing that gave her emotion in the ICU room, she was completely out of it. I will never forget that moment and how Fonzie gave her a smile on her face. Not me or my mom talking, but Fonzie.   Our precious Fonzie. The nurse kinda looked at me funny, but it was definitely an inside joke/thing me and my grandma shared. 


Sadly, a week or so after my grandma got intubated, she eventually had to be put on a morphine drip. Never got to really talk to her with any kind of coherency. She was completely out of it for weeks. In fact, the doctors tried to remove the bipap and let her breathe on her own, and it was worse. She started panicking and screaming, and we had to consult with the doctor to then go on the morphine drip.   She suffered so much at the end, life truly isn't fair. Doctor said it was involuntary panicking and she didn't know, but I believe she did.


Fonzie Update

He's still alive and kicking at 14 years old! We had to take him to the vet earlier this month over a bad cough. He got x-rayed and all that jazz. Mom shelled out hundreds of dollars, and I gave her some to help.    Doctor said he has chronic bronchitis and prescribed some cough suppressant pills. We tried the pills but they were trash, didn't work at all. We told the vet, and she prescribed him 5mg/ml of hydrocodone syrup.  We've been giving him just a bit every  day to help. I also installed a humidifier and it seems to be helping more than the opiate, lol. The hydro does work far better than those pills they gave, though!


Some good news: Doctor said he doesn't have an enlarged heart ( but possibly Cushing's disease, not good news but it could be worse..).  I believe he's still got a good amount of life left in him!! I want to give him the best  life as possible. We love him so much. Every cairn terrier I see here makes me think of him and how these dogs can impact our lives so much, much more than just being cute! 



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I was thinking of you and Fonzie not long ago and wondering how you guys were getting along in life. Thank you for the update.  I am sad that your grandmothers last days were so rough but somehow not at all surprised that the thought of Fonzie gave her moments of happiness. 

Old dogs are a special privilege and while they can be a lot of work (and heartache at times) I have never felt more at peace than when I try to repay them in small ways for the all the joy and happiness they brought me over the years. I am sure Fonzie loves having someone who loves him as much as you do.

Cheers mate, and all the best to you and Fonzie.

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Thank you brad for your kind words. That's cool you were thinking about us, same for me and the forum. Appreciate you being a big part of this community bringing us together. 


Just uploaded this for you guys. Can see how back legs are kinda going out. Way better this morning cause he's on hydrocodone. Gave him some few hours ago lol. But yesterday it was kinda bad he can't jump on the bed or run anymore. Still looks relatively healthy and happy and full of love.


Doctor gave him some monthly shot called librela earlier this month. My mom says maybe the effects are wearing off, not really sure ;)


Edit: it's weird because now his back legs are giving out a bit but he hasn't been coughing... He just can't catch a break, poor little guy. I think cause it's the 3rd day with the humidifier, maybe that's really helping his chronic bronchitis. I swear Cairns are built like tanks, he's still 27.8 lbs and after my mom groomed him, you can really see his muscle striations 😆


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