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Snow picture from Denver


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Here is a pic of Carolina with her sister Lindy. (We are dogsitting Lindy while my parents are on a cruise this week. How lucky are they?!?)

We got a good sized snowstorm yesterday. Here are the dogs out back. The snow is a foot deep and they can't get around except in the paths I've trampled down for them. They come in loaded with snowballs on their legs and chest!



Wow they are just too cute! It looks like they need some minaturized snow shoes! I can't believe you have snow! It's like 73 degrees out here. - Darsey


My cousins daughter is due to be married next week up there. They told me that it won't last too long. I think I will stay down south.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


Wow - look at all that snow! And here in Minnesota -- where we're supposed to be in the frigid north -- it was about 70 out yesterday. Allie was sleeping on the bricks of the patio in the sun...

My cousins daughter is due to be married next week up there.  They told me that it won't last too long.  I think I will stay down south.


The streets are clear now, (the ones that were NOT plowed.) It's sunny as can be and everything is dripping. Where is the wedding? If it's in the city, they'll be fine. The mtns. are another story!

The dogs are staying in for the most part since it's still difficult for them to get around. Darsey, they either need snowshoes or boots that come up to their chest to keep the snowballs off! :lol:

The day before, it was in the 60's here. I was sitting in the lawn grooming Carolina and we walked, me without even a jacket!


We had a foot of snow last Monday but were sitting out in the yard with the dogs yesterday. Must be Spring allright.


My brother lives in Denver, and his dogs must be loving that foot of snow if there is any left by now (late afternoon). He has two Bernese mountain dogs about 100 pounds each. He also stomps a path for them in the yard and they get out and have a ball. :P



I'll bet they're thinking, "Grandma and Grandpa go on vacation and we have to put up with THIS?"

I saw all that snow on TV. That's right where I like it - ON TV! Be careful!


They are too cute.....need body suites though to keep those snow balls at bay.

I envy that foot of snow. We haven't gotten much of anything down here this winter. Now that it's spring we'll probably get something like this one day soon. It was almost 90 here a few days ago.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!

I know we are slightly nuts but we use the snowblower to make paths in the backyard and so do the neighbours. We have a very dog friendly bunch here. To Gidgetsmom. 90? Sounds fabulous.


They're so cute!! I couldn't believe the snow!! I love it but I have to admit I'm ready for warm weather!! I think it was around 80 here today!!



Cute picture! I like the snow on TV too....lol!


Love the picture! I don't think even that much snow would stop my Kiara from plowing her way through. There's nothing ladylike about her when she gets outdoors, especially if she's in the hunting mode.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


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