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Pics of Gidget


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I know, I know. It's taken me way too long to post pics of my baby. I posted some on the test forum last night without realizing. I knew not very many of you probably checked that area, so I decided to post them here this morning so I could really show her off.

She's a typical Cairn fire ball, and of my three, she's definately the boss! :lol:

Puppy Pic (When Gidget was younger)

Gidget w/ Big Brother Buddy

Gidget Now...All ears up

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Guest mrskti

oh i love that baby pic! She looks a lot like my Ellie. SHe looks so prim and propper lying on her pillow!! very cute.

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OOh she is soo adorably cute! I love the pic of her with her BIG brother. And she has such a pretty colored coat. - Darsey

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She's so sweet!

The first pic with her front legs crossed....makes her look just like a little girl!!

Thanks for sharing!


Cathy and Piper

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Oh my gosh, how absolutely adorable! I LOVED the cross paws in the front picture - VERY ladylike.

And talk about a BIG brother - how do they get along now that she's bigger? Did it talk awhile for them to get adjusted to each other?

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I adopted Buddy in January. Gidge was just tiny when Buddy came along. Buddy has got to be the most patient dog I've ever seen. From the very beginning Gidget has climbed all over him. Jumped on his head, pulled on his tail and slept on his back. Here's a few pictures of them playing.

buddy & gidge

Gettin' Rough

I Won!

The only time I really have to watch them is outside. She runs wanting him to chase her, but when he catches her he forgets how big he is and usually gives her a big slap and sends her rolling. She just gets back up and does it again. :lol:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Aw, I love the little dog/big dog relationship...so sweet. Gidget is such a sweetie and the crossed front paws give her an air of sophistication.

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I love the pictures. What fun she must be!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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