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Lost Cairn Story


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That's a great story. It's good to hear about such nice neighbors and I'm glad they found Nellie.

I live in a very dog-friendly neighborhood (we were one of the last too get a pup). When Liddy was a puppy, she bolted away from my mom. Two of our neighbors who were driving down the street parked their cars to box Liddy in and got out to call her. Luckily, she stopped and my mom was able to grab her.

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I guess my first thought was why wasn't that puppy in a fenced yard or on a leash but it's too easy to judge without knowing all the facts.

Thank Heaven Ghillie only really escaped once when he was about 1. It was our first year in this house and we didn't know just how determined he was. I let him out to pee and went back about 3 minutes later and no dog. He had climbed over the front gate and was no where in site. I was out in my slippers and no coat and couldn't find him anywhere. I called in the reserves and thank goodness one of the kids down the street found him in a backyard about three blocks from our place. He had followed another dog home and the owners had put him in the yard to keep him safe.

The only other time, he was never out of my site but he thought it was a great game and kept dancing back and forth. My mailman got down on his hands and knees in the mud and Ghillie came right to him. Don't knock the postal service to me I think that was above and beyond the call of duty :thumbsup:

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Three cheers for the three daughters. They knew they wanted a puppy and persevered. What a wonderful story and what great neighbors they have. Made me smile.

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I had to pull out the kleenex tissues, great story and good ending!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Great story. I know all too well how it feels when a pup runs away. Duffy bolted from us when he was about 5 months old. Fortunately we found him the same day, also hiding in some shrubs about 100 yards from our house. These folks have some really great neighbors.


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