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Rita & Lynn from Switzerland say hello!


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Hi everyone

We are just new to this page and say hello to everyone! I have not read any of the contents yet, but found the page while searching re. Patellaluxation... Oh yeah, seems to be Lynn's problem... ;-(

But first to us: Me, Rita 57, from Switzerland, being sort of new to Cairns. Lynn, born April 5, 2022 is our first Cairn and also our first dog from a breeder (all the other 5 where rescues). I have dogs for 25 years... but other breeds, never such a small "model" 😉 We started with a Bernese Mountain Dog back in 1998 and afther she died in 2006 we always had Podenco Ibicencos (Americans call them Ibizan Hounds). So Lynn the Cairn is the "little sister" of our exactly 10 years older Podenco Ibicenco Salt, who is a rescue from Mallorca, Spain, a former hunting Podenco, taken to an animal shelter because of no use any longer. Well, he is very, very calm and a real souvereign dog and (in my opinion) a very good teacher for a little Terrier! Lynn is a typical Cairn, very friendly and overwhelming with all people and dogs. A real sunshine and darling - yeah, I admit, hearts are all over my eyes and heart and body 😉 Even my husband, who is not exactly a "dog person" is just knocked-out by Lynn's charming and loving personality. Lynn herself is 9 months old now and a real, real Bonsai. Weighing only 5.5 kilos, eating as bad as my pod and small like a 5 months old Cairn. Well, we'll see if she will grow a little more in the next months. However, her personality is HUGE - Terrier for sure!

Beside other things I am working as dog coach/trainer - preferring the designation: Trainer for people with dogs 😉 My main topics are Mantrailing (for 12 years) and meaningful activity for dogs (since 5 years, using prey-dummies and lots and lots of creative ideas) as well as behaviour therapist for human/dog teams with topics.

I look forward to an interesting and instructive exchange with like-minded people re. Cairn Terriers and their needs/behaviour/"problems" etc. and send warmest greetings from ice-cold Switzerland!

Here some pics of our dogs (Salt & Lynn & daughther's Border Collie Callie) and my family!


Lynn & Salt 11.9.22.JPG



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Oh my gosh, what a pair. Lynn's face and expression is adorable — mesmerizing. I see she is already leading the way on the trail.

I look forward to many photos in the future. Enjoy the Cairn chaos!

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What a pair you have! And it does seem cairns spend all their time trying to figure out how to lead the pack (if not rule the world) so you and Salt are going to have a time of it. Lynn is adorable and I can see in her expression that she is ready to take the world on and bend it to her will. 

Enjoy learning about the Cairn spirit! They are fun, funny, very energetic, always entertaining, and often trying!

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Hello to all!

Lynn looks ready to enjoy whatever life offers. No need for big body as has already been born with huge personality, high intelligence and being a natural boss and leader!!

Lots of adventures ahead I'm sure. 

Edited by Hillscreek
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Thank you for the wonderful photos. It is always so gratifying to share how much we all enjoy our cairns (and our other dogs as well). I hope  you will keep us up-to-date with the adventures of Lynn, Salt, etc. Brace yourself for the ride ahead...Young cairns can be a non-stop delightful bundle of energy that will keep you on your toes! 

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It’s good to meet you all! Lynn is a darling and it’s easy to see that you are going to have a wonderful life with her. 

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