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I love my new cairn


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We just got Alfie, 15 months old, last Friday and the entire family has fallen in love with him. I love reading about cairns from this forum, it makes me go, "Alfie is just like that!" He loves us in return. He now knows our daily routine and has gotten over his separation anxiety, but I know that he still doesn't like being left alone even if he keeps quiet. Today, while watching me put the gate, he rolled on his back and seemed to play dead. When I tried to pick him up to put him behind the gate, he was clearly making himself heavier and he had that look on his face that seemed to say, "maybe I can get away with this". Well, you know how small they are, no amount of playing dead will help. He made no sound when I put him down (I felt like staying at home to play with him). He is such a sweetie pie and is a riot.

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Hi Anna and welcome to the wacky Cairn world! Alfie sounds like a sweetie and they sure are adorable little clowns.

We had cement work being done today and poor Scully was hiding all over the place because of the noise from the jackhammer and the Bobcat, etc. She was underneath our bed, underneath the kitchen table, hiding in the family room - poor little thing. At one point we're calling her and calling her that she could come out that the men were gone and no Scully. Here I had forgotten that about a half-hour before I had put her in her crate. I'm standing next to the crate yelling, "C'mon Scully, daddy's home, come on out" - not a peep out of her! Geez!

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Wacky is right, and I am excited about that! I feel so proud to own a cairn. Sounds like Scully played a trick on you....

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Hi Anna and welcome,

Logan does the heavy dog routine as well. I swear he adds another 20 pounds to himself. he stretches out as far as he can and plays "dead dog". No help what so ever :devil:

They are smart little critters.


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Awwwww, he sounds like such a sweetie!!! Cairns are really fun dogs and they will keep a smile on your face! Welcome!!!!!!

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Hi Anna and welcome to the forum!! Alfie sounds like a real doll!!! Can't wait to hear your stories and see some pictures!!! Enjoy!!


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Thanks for such a warm welcome!!! Ann, I did notice the stretching out which is really funny, I saw Alfie's eyes looking peripherally at me. I will work on getting pictures of him. We brushed his teeth for the first time last night, he liked the taste of toothpaste, thank god, but after the toothbrushing he went into all sorts of crazy movements?! First he stood up on his hind legs, then he started digging into the rug, then, while lying on his back he seemed to be running around in circles (don't know how to describe it), then finally stopped when he got tired (still lying on his backside). What a clown! This morning while my husband was washing up, he got up on the bed and starting pulling on my pillow to wake me up. Silly boy. I would love to read all your stories...I'm sure you have similar ones. I'm learning a lot from the past threads. What a great forum! Thank you to all!!

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welcome and yes send picuter of the new love of your life


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Hi Anna,

Welcome to the cairn forum! Isn't it great to be an official cairn owner? I'm so in love w/ cairns that I now have 3! :shock: Two of mine play that "dead weight" game w/ me, but the youngest is still small and couldn't make herself weigh more no matter how hard she tried. :D

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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It is wonderful to be a cairn owner. I asked my husband to take pictures (he's just lazy to pick up that camera). Every hour I call home and ask what Alfie's up to. One of these days my husband will stop picking up the phone when it's me.

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Hi Anna! Welcome to the family, er, forum! :lol: Alfie sounds like a sweetie! My Scruffy does the dead weight game too, but I always win! I can't wait to see pictures of Alfie. Did you adopt him? I'd love to hear your story of how you came to be a cairn owner.


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Hi Anna & Alfie! Welcome!!! You won't find a nicer bunch of Cairn Crazy folks. You will find everyone here very helpful.

Can't wait to see pics of your little man!

I love his name. My Mom just got our whole family together and my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin just got to see my Gidget for the first time. Their first comment was "She looks like Alf"! She's such a hoot. :P

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Just wanted to add an big WELCOME Anna and Alfie from Toto and I! Toto has never done the dead weight thing (although my son has.. :D ) but toto tends to act more crazy after an bath. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more! - Darsey

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Good morning to all and thank you once again for the warm welcome! I still don't have pictures of Alfie..... :-( but just so you can picture him, he's wheaten with a black beard.

How we got Alfie...my husband and I actually visited a shelter just to see how it works. We didn't find any doggie that we thought would fit in our household. I already read up about breeds and the cairn terrier was on top of my list (together with the Aussie and Boston terrier -- we were going to start contacting rescue groups for them). Then I saw Alfie's photo on the bulletin board. His name was actually spelled Elfy, because he was supposed to be a gift from Santa. I called the number and the owner said no one called yet. So we quickly drove to their home the next day. The owner said there were 3 others who were interested so if I didn't take him he's going to someone else. Well, Elfy, now Alfie, stood beside my husband the entire time we were talking to his former owners. As if he was ready to go with us. The former owners gave him up because they let him be the alpha and he was aggressive. They had another cairn, supposedly the gentler one. With us, Alfie is a doll. I don't see the aggressiveness they talked about... he is getting neutered tomorrow, however. We love him to death!!!

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Hi Anna. A big welcome from me, Duffy, my Cairn and Mickey, my Westie. I know you will enjoy being a part of this great forum.


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Thank you, thank you! Yes, it seems like Alfie picked us!!! That's a great way to think of it. Now we're even thinking of having a second one too, not necessarily a cairn, but we're evaluating it for now. My daughter mentioned getting a Westie, too.

I don't know if this needs to be under a new topic but is there anyone there who can tell me what to expect post-neutering? Details like urinary incontinence, will he not want to be touched, etc.

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Guest cairnmother

Neutering will not make your dog incontinent. As a matter of fact I doubt that you will notice any difference in your dog at all. It is a very simple procedure in a male and if it is done you will never have to worry about your dog getting testicular cancer and far less likely to have prostate problems. If your dog is not show quality and you do not plan to breed him it is the kindest , most responsible thing to do. :)

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Welcome to the group I am glad to hear you have been found by one of these little whirlwinds . Abe was a little groggy the afternoon we picked him up (a little pampering took care of that) he really hammed it up and still does when he thinks he can get a little extra attantion. Other than that we didn't notice a difference in him we were carefull when we handled him to stay away from sore spots. We did not experience any dificulties in going potty.

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It looks I don't really have to worry much...thanks for your answers. Tomorrow is the big day! One of my worries is how he'll sleep with that Elizabeth collar. I'll surely be posting if he does something funny after his surgery.

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It looks like we're in the same boat. Abby is getting spayed tomorrow. We'll have to compare notes on how they act after their surgeries!! Good luck!!


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