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Tucker in the NBA?


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After seeing the cute frisbee pictures, I had to post these. This is Tucker's favorite game these days. He gets so excited he almost squeals (if a cairn were to do that sort of thing, that is!) These just cracked me up! :lol: He tries to time the bounce of the ball so that he can bite at it. If no one is bouncing the ball for him, he's running it around in big circles with his nose and barking at it!



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Ghillie loves to play ball in the house. He is very good at catching but prefers to bounce it back so I can throw it again. Hmmm...I wonder who's really running the game.

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Thela, those are TERRIFIC!!!! Tucker's a natural.

Scully had two balls and one deflated soccer ball going this morning. She was squeeking one and then used one paw to whack the other ball around. They are TOO funny.

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Wonderful picture of Tucker!!!! I love how high he can jump...wow!

Finch rolls the ball around with her nose too. She makes a funny grunting noise while she is pushing it around.

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Whoa Tucker, that is some serious air! What a great action shot!

I had Liddy out in the yard today with a soft volleyball...she loves chasing it around and hasn't been able to pop it.

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Great pictures of Tucker! I am amazed he goes after a ball as big as him!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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WOW! Those are GREAT! Carolina hates it when DH and I "shoot hoops". She is scared of the ball and runs the other way. I would print those in 5x7's and find one of those double frames and display them together. :thumbsup:

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I love the pics! I love getting action shots of my cairns. My youngest is the one that seems to "fly" through the air for a toy. Abbey will just run around w/ her ball refusing to let go but hoping Hannah will chase her. Kiara is the one that would play fetch from morning to night. She's loves nothing more than to catch the toy in the air. She must have 5 or 6 rubber toys in the backyard from balls to the dumbbell type. The minute she's outside, she'll start bumping into your leg to play fetch. She'll then drop it and bark at you until you throw it. I had to laugh about the time she had taken the toy and dropped it at our Aussie's feet expecting him to throw it. :lol:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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