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Eau de Wet Dog


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It has been torrential rains and wind in NY today, bringing with it a phenomenon known as Eau de Wet Dog in these parts. Most of the time, except for smelly feet, my pup smells fine, wonderful in fact, but on those very rainy days, it is Eau de Wet Dog. Anyone else experiencing this today?

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Oh, yes. Its been raining here in Indiana too, and it seems like the pups always want to cuddle and jump in my lap after they come in.

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Unfortunately, I have had wet, muddy and STINKY doggies alot lately!

Do any of you use 'cologne' to help the stinkies?

I have some Fresh 'n Clean spray but they hate it and run like the dickens if they even see the can! Plus, I feel the scent is really too strong!


Cathy and Piper

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Let's see.....Washington.....rain.....yep! I think they market it here!


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We've had alot of rain too, but not for the past few days. I can relate to the stinky smell.....oops...the wonderful smell of wet dogs! LOL!

Does anybody's dog go crazy after coming in from the rain?? I keep the basement door open and scoot them into the basement, where they chase each other like mad for a few minutes..just like they do after a bath!

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Guest mrskti
:o Ok, no body said anything about stinky dogs before I got these two!!!! when does puppy breath leave and stinky show up!!! <_<
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Go crazy after coming in? Yeah and it's fun to watch Apollo. He runs and changes directions so quickly. When he calms down, I get a towel out to dry him and he goes at it again, only not so vigorously. Apollo also has a thing for the sprinklers in the neighborhood. It must be the clicking that irritates him because he tries to bite the water coming out. I usually don't mind him going at them when it is reallly hot outside. My neighbors must think we are nuts! :P



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Hey, our Allie does that sprinkler biting too! She looks ferocious. And sometimes, when we're just using the hose, she'll pick it up and carry it around the yard, hanging on to the very end where the water comes out. It I can ever figure out how to use our digical camera (YES! We got one!), I'll try to get a picture and post it this summer.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Let's see, the rains that were here in the south forever have moved up north. Didn't want to be the only ones having to deal with the muddy paws and stomachs. Thought we'd send some nice moisture your way.

My two go crazy after they come in and they are wet all over. First they shake (unless I can move like supermom and throw a towel over them) and make a mess on the walls, floor, anything else that comes into contact with their wetness. Then after I dry two wiggling dogs off as best I can they go crazy. Darcy usually starts it with Hey let's plan chase and off they go around the den table, up on the hearth of the fireplace, up on the couch, lunging from there onto the floor and into the kitchen onto the tile floor where they run around the kitchen table, and start all over again. It's really quite a site to see.

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I bought some of those wipes that you can use on your dog to freshen them up, My pup seems to always smell just a little like a wet dog, and yes, rain and snow and rain and snow here

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Darcey's Mom...

I can picture that scenerio...how come they can't be happy just froliking on the floor but have to include our furniture? It's like the couch, chairs & tables are part of the obstacle course they need to run while wet, muddy and disgusting!

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We had over a foot of snow yesterday and yes the boys like to dry off in our bed. Strong incentive to make sure the bed is made. I can't help smiling anyway when those sparkly little devil dog eyes smile up at me right after burrowing under my covers.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Only one of the two is a cairn. The other one is a bit bigger and she's a mix between a Scottie and a Jack Russel. Talk about energy! But I can't help but laugh at them when they go through their obstacle course. So entertaining.

And of course, as KayHarley says, they can't limit their running fits to the floor, noooo, the furniture has to be part of it too. That's why I keep an old sheet and towels over my den couch and recliner. It doesn't look too good but it helps protect against the wet and mud.

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