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Okay, so I'm not having the easiest time with Charlie and housebreaking. He either goes out or he goes in... really doesn't matter much to him at all. My house is beginning to smell like a kennel (it's only two years old!!!!!) and my patience is wearing thin. ANY IDEAS FROM ANYBODY? We've hung bells, we're praising, praising, praising -- have caught him in the act several times and watch him pretty carefully. Today he squatted RIGHT IN FRONT OF US in our KITCHEN without batting an eye. :(

With that being said............

I was at the pet shop today looking for a book on Cairns and wandered around the place, like I usually do. Spotted, in total surprise, a gorgeous wheaten Cairn in a kennel. He was sitting there indignantly, as if he knew he didn't belong there with all the other prisoners... wasn't barking, begging for attention... just sitting there sort of proud with his back halfway turned to the front of the cage.

I asked about him (of course). Seems a regular customer came in a few weeks ago and mentioned that his parents had a Cairn that they could no longer take care of. "Don't have enough time for him," he told them. He is purebred, neutered, and about 1.5 years old. Very healthy looking. They took him out and set him on the floor and he immediately bolted but that is pretty typical for any dog, let alone a Cairn.

My question is..... SHOULD I? Somebody please tell me I have lost my mind. He just looks so OUT OF PLACE there and Charlie needs a playmate and will somebody please tell that I Need My Head Examined? Maybe I secretly want to live in a Dog Toilet, I don't know.

Advice, please? :whistle:

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Of course I'm pretty biased because I have two cairns (and want another). They would certainly be good company for each other and maybe your younger dog would learn good potty habits from the older. I think you will find quite a few multicairn households here.

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Don't ask me, I have 3 cairns and still find myself looking at others but only on the internet where I can't buy one. :D I love my 3, but I won't be adding a 4th. My 2 youngest, Abbey & Hannah are a little less than 6 mths apart and play together very well. They do both come to me for individual attention too.

I've never had a problem w/ smell even tho Abbey still prefers a wee-wee pad when there's a thunderstorm. We were under flood watch yesterday and it just poured here. I swear my oldest, Kiara crossed her legs to hold it. The other 2 did have to use the pad. Abbey isn't allowed on the carpet w/o supervision. The area she stays on is all tile, easy to clean. I use a swiffer almost everyday and that new Clorax clean up works great for a fresh smell if Charlie poops. I also love the air fresheners and incense from Pier I Import.

Like Toto said, if this older cairn is already housebroken, maybe he can help Charlie learn to go outside. Let us know what you decide.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I can't advise you because I have 3 myself and sometimes feel like pulling my hair out :P

First thing I would do is make sure Charlie doesn't have a urinary tract infection. Elliott was peeing right in front of me too, actually peed ON me. He had a low grade infection and was put on antibiotics for 10 days. It has made a difference although today he was bad but we're having major rain....4-5 inches possible and my yard is flooded big time....yeah, I make excuses for the little terror!

All I can say is let your heart guide you, if you let your mind and senses take over, life won't be fun at all.

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:( I am just at the end of my rope but mostly with my FAMILY!! My son woke this morning before us and took Charlie out of his kennel and to the PLAYROOM (NEWLY REMODELED) without taking him outside. Charlie, of course, had to go and peed on our new floor pillow. I was beside myself and simply cannot believe that my 9 year old "didn't know" he should have taken Charlie outside.... WAH!

Another problem is that we have an open layout in our home. The opening from the kitchen (ceramic tile) to the rest of the house (carpet) is nearly as long as the wall. It is about the size of four or five doorways side-by-side. Are there gates this wide??????????? I am SO worried that we have screwed this up from the get go and that Charlie is NEVER going to learn because he has too much run of the house and I can't convince my family that they have to WATCH HIM AT ALL TIMES. Will I ever get this smell out of my carpets? I would wager a guess that he has peed in this house in three weeks no fewer than 50 times. I found a bunch of "hidden" pees one day, then went on a PEE SEARCH and was devastated to realize how bad it was (See my reply to post on indiscriminate peeing if you want further details. Ugh! Clandenstine Peeing)

It is without question that we need to have the carpets cleaned throughout the house. Won't help the pad underneath, though. Sigh again.

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Although we have two Cairns who get along very, very, well, I don't think I would add another dog to your household. It sounds like you are having a dificult time housebreaking Charlie right now, and adding another dog might take you over the edge. Only you will know how much you can take, but it sounds to me that you are frustrated with housebreaking a puppy. Boy, do I know how you feel! We have a very open floor plan and have hardwood floors through out the house. We have a finished basement and ended up staying downstairs ALOT. This helped keep Finch confined to one place and when she wanted to go outside, there was only one door to go to. I have heard of people attaching the dog to them using a leash. I think this is a great idea! It will keep Charlie close to you so that you can monitor him. You could also take turns "watching" Charlie so you won't have to do it alone.

This is a tough decision to make! What do you family members think of adopting another dog?? Scout was two when we adopted Finch and they are great companions and play together constantly! Let us know what you decide!

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Well, considering I "only" have one Cairn - I'm going to tell you - GO FOR IT!!!

I'm picturing the Cairn you saw sitting in that crate with this look of "How DARE they put me in here? Don't they know how special I am because I'm a Cairn!?!?! HELP ME!"

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I was reading your post and remembered a earlier topic about gates the following is a link that was posted in the former topic by kayharley http://www.jbpet.com/Shopping/category.asp...HTOGates&page=2

Measure your opening and see if this fits the bill, this gate can have extensions added for a total width of 96" ( 8'-0" ). For the floors we have a steam cleaner we use the solution and mix in a scoop of oxi-clean and a small bit of purple power cleaner (we have to get that at napa auto parts) together this stuff gets out smells and (best of all) the red GA clay out of our carpets. - Darsey

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Don't get too frustrated with the housetraining issue. They do eventually understand what they're supposed to do and where to do it.

What do you use to clean up the accidents? Natures Miracle will remove any odor so Charlie won't be tempted to go in a "marked" spot. It also stops any stains from setting in.

I have an open floor plan too...in the beginning I bought an ex-pen and a cheap piece of linolium. I put the crate in there, toys and put it where we spent the most time. When we weren't around and at night, he'd be put in the crate. Little by little he was let out to roam but only when someone was watching him.

The pen I bought can be used as a large "gate"....I actually took mine apart and made 2 of them...one blocks the stairs so the crew can't go into the family room and chew my son's drum set and the other I use when I want to block off a section of the house or the hallway.


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Thanks for the links, guys! I think both look like just the ticket. The ones I found on the internet seemed too hard to get through considering this is an extremely high traffic area.

My husband inkled that a little quid pro quo might get me that dog... :devil:

Hmmmmmmmm. :halo:

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Guest mrskti

That dog is too cute! GO for it, but get those wire pens. I have one for the girls, and the piece of linoleum...it's a great set up. I've just ordered another pen for our florida house...it's the only way to go! The original pen I ordered turned out to be a little tall, but i'm keeping it for when they're grown, stick it in the laundry room for when we leave them alone....no mischief this way. I have it loaded with toys, and two water bottles hanging from the sides, they love those bottles and no spills that way. They're so fun to watch, we're so glad we got two.....for now anyway!!!1 BTW, they sleep all night!! Cant hate that! :)

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Oh my!! You went to see him, took a picture and didn't bring him home???

You have much more willpower than I could ever imagine having!! LOL!!


P.S. Edited to add.....Of course, I think he is adorable as he looks just like my little guy, Piper :)!

Cathy and Piper

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Oh, what a cutie. I couldn't have left him there again.

I too am having the potty problem in the house. The only time Gidget does perfect is first thing in the morning. She goes out and pees and poops. After that trip, who knows. I've even tried crating her and it's still not working. As soon as I turn my back she's pooping in the bathroom or in the livingroom right at the front door. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! :mad:

If she weren't so cute...... :P

Good Luck!!!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Here is my two cents worth........If the older Cairn you are considering is already housebroken (hopefully at 1 1/2 years it is), then it might be very helpful in getting your puppy on the right track about always going outside. Case in point; I have an 18 month old Cairn who is completely housebroken, no accidents in the house for many months. We just acquired a 12 week old Westie pup and he wants to do everything his "big brother" does, including going and doing his business outside. Mickey (the Westie) has only had one accident in the house in the last week and that was basically my fault becuase I fell asleep on the couch and did not hear them clammoring to go outside. Also Duffy the Cairn now has a playmate. Let us know the outcome.


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Guest posting as: Posey

Nicky our Cairn, was kept in a crate when he was 7 weeks old. Next, he had

access to the kitchen and utility room with puppy gates up. We used those puppy pee pads; he used them til he was 5 month old. Now he never goes in the house, but he only has access to the carpet when we can watch him. We cannot let him have the run of the place because he likes to chew through electrical cords. But he loves "his" kitchen area. And really gets bossy over us if we don't do what he thinks is best, for him of course. In other words feed Nick first, at mealtime. Or else he gets really grumpy. Should you buy another one-why not? If you can afford the vet bills. Nick,s bills keep us from getting another one. Plus Nick thinks he is the best and only in the world.

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Yes Bekah, I said Gidget poops in the bathroom. Too bad she hasn't learned to flush yet. It would sure make my life easier. :lol:

Today I purchased a parrot bell and hung on the back door knob. Hopefully she'll be able to pick up :idea: the bell ringing technique to let me know when she has to go.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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If I remember Charlie is pretty young so don't be discouraged about the housetraining. First rules to remind kids. Take him out as soon as he gets out of his crate, after he eats, after he plays, after a nap and so on. He probably just hasn't learned how to tell you when he needs to go out (or doesn't yet know he is supposed to go out) so if he starts to sniff around or disappears from site that may be the only sign you will get for a while.

I'm all for the added cairn idea. What a beautiful looking dog. I don't think I could resist.

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Okay, so after mentioning Coda every day (in an off-hand manner, of course) for a week, my husband and both kids went to see him tonight. He is still there! We took Charlie and they both sniffed each other but showed no aggression at all. I think my husband has fallen for him, too!

I so appreciate everybody's replies. Interestingly enough, Charlie has been very good over the last few days (course, you never know where you'll find secret pee spots!) and has even RUNG THE BELL in front of WITNESSES!!!! So..... Well.... I will give my husband a few more days and PRAY that nobody else buys Coda (he is an absolutely gorgeous dog) and hopefully, by the weekend, I'll be posting an Announcement regarding our new arrival! :)

I should just go get him tomorrow. I will be crushed if somebody else beats me to him....

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