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Since Spring is in the air...


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I thought I would share a picture of Finch chasing the Frisbe. It was a very windy day, which made my "throws" more "productive". The Frisbe usually just lands on the ground with a thud!

I wish I had kept the camera going just a few min. longer. Both Finch and Scout were trying to carry the Frisbe together...it was such a funny site!




Aw what great pictures...Finch must be having a blast! My Liddy likes Frisbees, too. Have you ever seen the Nylabone Frisbees with the bone molded on the top? It makes it easier for the pups to pick them up and carry them around.


The pictures are great. Rebel loves frisbee too! We use the small soft disc. They are great and easy for him to catch. One will last about 3 months. I love to watch him come off the ground to catch it in mid air.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


When my Allie carries her frisbee, she looks just like yours! Don't you wonder how they manage without tripping over whatever it is they can't see with that frisbee in their mouths? :lol:


I had my son throw the frisbee today so I could share some pictures, Finch and Rebel would have a good time together playing frisbee!



I really love the crouch awaiting the throw


then Hamm has to get in on the action and it becomes tug a frisbee


Of course then it's "I'm done"



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

Guest mrskti

Cute pictures!!! I took the girls out today a couple of times, boy do they love it out there. Called the fence people today, wow is this gonna be expensive!!! Oh well....they need it.


Liz, Finch would LOVE to play frisbee with Rebel!!! Scout will chase the frisbee, but for some reason she only brings it back half way and drops it! Finch will run to the frisbee and finish bringing it to me. I threw it for 45 minutes straight today for Finch...she is relentless!

BTW, great pictures of Rebel!! Do you have a fabric frisbee?? We have gone through two plastic frisbees...one in just our session today! I'm wondering if the cloth ones would last longer?? The dogs don't chew them..they just crack from my lousy throws....lol!


Ooops...forgot to say that my two play tug of war with the frisbee too! They have even made it across the yard with each holding a side!


Hallswel, great pictures of Rebel, I love the sequence shots. Liddy wants to know if she can get in on the Cairn Ultimate Frisbee game, too...hahaha, that would be a sight!

Does Rebel (or anyone else's dogs) catch the Frisbee in the air? Liddy only chases them down and brings them back (sometimes). And if your dog is an air-catcher, how did you get them to do that?


Bekah, Finch will sometimes catch them in the air. Most of the time she doesn't have a chance since they flip flop in the air and end up rolling on the ground....I have a terrible throw!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rebel loves to catch the cloth frisbee in mid air (sometimes off all fours). They last about 6 months. I always have two of them because Rebel won't bring them back to me. (only half way then he sits as to say come and get it) so I walk to where he dropped the other frisbee. He will watch me carefully and at times had been know to race me for the frisbee. (but only when he thinks he can win)

Of course our little puggy will chase them but he has never caught anything in mid air.

Rebel will chase the hard frisbee's but once they fall he is no longer interested. He is very spoiled!!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron


Great pics guys! I can't wait to get Gidget a frisbee to try. I think I'll take hallswel's idea and purchase two. Gidget has done pretty good with "bring it" in the house with her toys, but not always. Having two would keep the game going and tire her out quicker.

It would also be a good idea, because as you know they love playing "catch me if you can". :P

This evening when I got home from work and let everybody out Gidge went and picked up a big rock and took off running with it. I took it away from her before she could break her puppy teeth on it. :lol:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!


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