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A new ball


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Since its finally warm out, I decided to dust off Liddy's soccer skills. She had fun chasing this rubber ball around the yard...




Oh well, guess Liddy's pro soccer career isn't going to happen any time soon.


That just happened to us!! I bought my two a yellow ball to toss around. They LOVE to play ball!!! I brought our ball inside since Finch kept pushing it into my flower beds. We have had this ball for over a month now and just tonight Scout came prancing by me with a DEFLATED ball in her mouth! I guess it's time for a trip to Target this weekend!

Your pictures were great...even with the deflated ball. :lol:


What a pretty coat she has!


The girl next door was playing with Jazz with her ball and she did the same thing. Now the ball is in two pieces on the front lawn. Maybe a real soccer ball would be tough enough so they couldnt' pop it

I think that will be the next purchase along with a replacemant ball for the little girl next doors ball.


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