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Spring bird hunting Season


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I think spring is Rebel's favorite season. We have so many birds and he is really on a mission to get them all. So far they are safe but there have been some very close calls. He seems to like the Cardinals best although the Robins are a close second



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Guest Darcy's Mom

That wanted picture is so cute, and I noticed the description said green eyes. Are they really green? If so, what a unique pup you have.

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I think it is the flash, they are brown to look at but sometimes if the light is right you can see a shade. I guess red eyes shows up as green




Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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TOO funny!!!! I can't wait until we have the new fencing put up in the yard so Miss Scully can run and keep us all safe from those birds as well.

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Ours are forever after squirrels! Our neighbor across the street is an exterminator, but he can't bear to kill the squirrels he catches, so he releases them in the neighborhood....needless to say, they keep our dogs busy as they run along the top of the shadowbox fence, into the tree, across the garage and up the phone pole. Makes for a busy day....


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Guest Darcy's Mom

Do your dogs "stalk" their prey? The two cairns we had before Darcy used to stalk birds, chipmunks, and whatever else was moving. It was the funniest thing to watch. Between the two of them they brought me all kinds of dead critters and deposited them on the back deck at the door. They lost interest after they killed whatever it was they were chasing. Never ripped or tore them up, just broke their necks and laid them there for me to praise them. Ugh! Darcy, however, doesn't seem to be too interested in the stalking. She just runs full tilt at the squirrel, bird, whatever and never manages to catch anything.

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Guest webstar

The poster is too much, I can't wait to show my GD's. The one in the afghan is adorable, they are all good shots.

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Cooper does actually stalk the squirrels if one comes down into the lawn....thank goodness he has never caught one yet! A couple weeks ago he almost caught a snake up at our lake place....I nearly died! The only critter he has caught so far are a couple of mice.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Fortunately we have three who will quietly stalk the squirrels. Unfortunately, it's not really necessary for them to tip-toe since the squirrels all wear hearing aids necessitated by the male, who believes squirrels could be knocked out of trees if only he could bark loud enough.

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Wonderful pictures and I love that Wanted poster.

Pat, you have a neighbor who's an exterminator who can't kill the squirrels he catches? I love it!!! Can you imagine what he'd come home with if he couldn't kill bugs?

Sorry, it's been a long week and I'm getting a bit punchy. :lol:

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That is a GREAT picture!!! I love it! Scout chases the squirrels and Finch stalks and then chases them. Finch tried to climb a tree yesterday, trying to catch a squirrel!

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What great pictures. They just make you smile. Jazz chased away two geese that were sitting on the ice on the pond this morning. Doesn't she feel proud. They justs honked at her a while and i think they got tired of listening to her barking and finally left. She could n't get out on the ice to get them becuase the edges of the pond are thawed. Keep those pictures coming they are great. :D

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