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Am I too obsessed

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Okay. I must be really reminiscing to day. Does anyone else have a baby book for their cairn? I was looking at Ghillie's and what a walk through the past. I have a baby tooth, the list of his first toys, his friends and the day he first lifted his leg to pee. We were so proud. The breeder gave us the book and a blanket when we picked him up. Now that he is nine it is fun to look back. I just wish we had one for Smokey but he was an adult when he arrived. Is this just too bizarre or do others do this too?


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Guest cairnmother

I always make a baby book for my pets too and save a baby tooth. Also have their portraits painted when they are young adults. They are cherished members of the family that are with us for too short of a time. It's comforting to have things to remember them when they are gone....favorite toys,bowls etc. Call me obsessed. Guilty as charged.

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~~~~Kicking self in butt for being a bad Cairn mommy~~~~~~

What a terrific idea! I don't have a book but I did make a collage the day my first Cairn died. I have a picture of her when I brought her home; a picture of her about a month before she died; I took some of her fur from her brush; and a piece of the blanket that she slept on - and I framed it all. I also have both hers and Scully's puppy collars and my first Cairn's adult collar. We never found any of their teeth.

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That is such a great idea! I think my DH would say I fell off my rocker, but I think it's a sweet idea! I have most of our pictures on CD's. I need to get some printed out and framed. I was given a very nice 'doggy" picture frame for Christmas and it's still empty!

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I have one for Rebel and Hamm. I have the little ribbons the breeder had on them and all the paper work, even vet paperwork.

I am now working on a new book for a puppy who is not even here. I know what the pedigree is because his/her Mom is the same as Rebels and the sire will be Rebel's sire's brother so I have been going online getting the different pictures of the dogs in the family tree. The breeder had many pictures so they are in the book as well as the ones I found. I even have pictures of the great grand sire and his brothers. It is amazing what you can find on the internet. I especially love it when I find a puppy picture and I am able to find the adult picture.

My husband just laughs.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Oh yes, I most certainly do. I did not start this custom until I got my first Springer, Sara. I have a scrapbook of her, of Chelsea, my second Springer, of Duffy and now Mickey. I also have videos of all of them from puppies through their adult years. Sara and Chelsea have gone on to the Rainbow Bridge but I can still watch them play and feel close to them via the videos. Since my dogs are my children I keep chronological record of them just as one would for human children. I highly recommend this to everyone.


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I save their baby teeth but, umm, no I don't have a baby book for my dogs. I couldn't even keep up with baby books for my kids, lol!! And I do have a memory box that I made for my Lucy when she passed away. Her leash and blanket still have her scent after nearly two years. I do take it out and look at it occasionally.

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Guest mrskti

I dont think that's overboard....i'm a scrabooker and i plan on doing a few pages...i think it will be fun. How can you not take pics of these darling babies and then just stuff em' in a drawer!!! I guess i better clean off my crafting table and get ready to scrap!!

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I have started an album of pictures of Mila that I add to every week. I should write some things about her - good idea.

I have a collage of my last dog, Allie that got killed by a car in August that I look at every day and still miss her. Actually I have her buried by our house with not one but two grave markers for her. I plan on making a flower bed around her grave this summer.

My cat, Smokey, that was 19-1/2 years old just passed (we had to put her down) last Thursday. I'm going to do the same for her.

After all, these animals are our family and they also deserve the respect we give to others that we have loved in our lives.

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I use to keep all pictures in albums and even did a scrapbook of my last lab. I scrapped a few pages of Kiara before going digital. I have printed quite a few photos for albums and also have cd's of each cairn. I recently started doing some digital scrapbooking which I find really fun. I have kept all of my cairn's baby collars, 1st toys and 1st blanket.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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