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meet my new girls!

Guest mrskti

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Guest mrskti

Here are our new babies, Ellie (wheaton) and Dori. We just got home with them this afternoon, we got them in TN. After seeing the farm in the daytime...there was no other name than Ellie Mae for one of them!!!! Dori seems to be the fiesty one, while Ellie is more layed back. They were great in the motel last night, and in the car today. They slept in their crate last night from 9pm till 4am without a whimper. They got up and played for half an hour and right back to bed. They did awesome. I must admit, we snuck them into the motel...the sign said no pets, but we were so tired we took the chance and went in the back door.....me bad! They've both went potty a few times outside, so far so good. So here they are...


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They're just beautiful. I would have had to take them into the motel too. No way could you leave them outside. You have a world of fun ahead.

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They are sooo adorable! Congrats! I don't think I could handle two puppies at the same time, but they sure have me wanting another. - Darsey

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Welcome to your new home, Ellie and Dori! I would have found a way to sneak them into a motel room too. I have brought dogs, even birds into motel rooms in the past. I figure, thery're not even as messy as a toddler. Your new pups are cuties and you will have your work cut out for you raising 2 together. My 2 youngest are less than 6 mths apart, so I'm familiar w/ raising 2 puppies at the same time. Enjoy them and keep posting their adorable pictures.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Aww, so cute! I'll show my husband how cute they are and maybe he'll let me have another. Enjoy all that puppy breath!

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They are really cute. How old are they? I'm glad you brought them in!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Oh what a great start to my morning to see such adorable puppies!!!! Best of luck with your girls - we can't wait to hear the stories and see more pictures.

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Very sweet looking pups! You are going to have your hands full for the next year, but you are also going to have a blast!

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Guest mrskti

Well i'm still trying to figure out how to get a good picture of them, they wont stay still!!!!! They are a hoot so far. I have a pig's hoof or something and all Dori can do is bark at it, it's really funny. She bounces around while she's barking. They've been pretty good on the potty front. I gave up on the water bowl and am using the hanging drip kind. Ellie keeps bouncing the water bowl on the edge and growling at it....she's so blonde!!!! I have them in a sorta large wire pen in the living room, with a puppy cam set up.... http://www.keenelandfarms.com/woodscam.htm

they're being a little whinny right now wanting out.....playing on our sympathies!!!! Dori is a pistol!!!

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Absolutely adorable pups!! Cute names too (in fact, we considered both of those names when we got Piper :thumbsup: )

If you don't mind me asking, where in TN did you get them? When we were looking for a puppy two years ago, we had to go to SC to get one. I live in Knoxville so am wondering what part of TN you found your pups.

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Guest mrskti

Actually we got them in Caryville, just north of Knoxville. The people were very nice. If you'd like to email me i'll tell you about them. I'm sure they still have some pups left.

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Guest mrskti

Ok, this is the best I can do so far....i had just brought them back in from a potty break and they were ready to romp! I'll try after they eat next time to see if they calm down a bit.

so this is Ellie Mae:


This is Dori, hell on wheels!!


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They are just too cute Dori looks like she's ready to have some :devil: "fun". My pup is a little over 6 months old and I just found a new "victim" this morning... One of my favorite high heel shoes! :nono: I usually don't leave the closet door open but I have the last couple of days. Guess that will teach me. - Darsey

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Guest mrskti

I'm going to take them outside when my husband gets home and he can hold the leashes and i can take pics. I sat on the floor with them trying to get these, and all they wanted to do was either eat my face or my shoes!!!! They are so darn cute, i just love em'. Took them over to meet the girls/docs at the vet....they got a kick out of them.

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So so so so cute!! You've taken some great pictures...keep them coming! I like their coloring, especially Ellie Mae's...it looks like she is wearing knee-high, tan socks! :D

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