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Spring in Canada

Toto times 2

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The signs of spring are here. Ghillie wants to sun himself on the back deck and wants in and out and in and out and in and out...well you get the idea. Don't get me wrong we still could have a blizzard. We have had some real surprises in April with a couple of feet of snow but we know the nice weather is on the way.

It seems to me there are basically only 3 cairn seasons. Wet feet season, muddy feet season, and sandy feet season. We just get used to brushing the sand out of our beds. We love the boys so much that just seems like a minor detail.

Ghillie loves the backyard. Our yard and all the neighbourhood he can see belongs to him and he doesn't care who he tells about it. Smokey only really likes to be out when we are out too. We think maybe he was just left out a lot before we got him.

Anyway Happy Spring to all. I am so looking forward to sitting out with my gardens and my cairns all around.

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Oh that's too funny but so true.

My backyard right now is 1/2 snow and 1/2 mud but signs of spring are coming and we're all excited too.


Gee I got the picture part down pat but just can't quote...was supposed to quote

this... It seems to me there are basically only 3 cairn seasons. Wet feet season, muddy feet season, and sandy feet season.

Someday I'll be a forum pro

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