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Max is home!


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Well Max is home & he checked out fine with our vet. He says he's probably not more than a little over a year old. He is such a doll! We let him meet Molly and Tramp (the 15 yr old) in the neighbor's yard & then they came home. Molly seemed fine with him, but Tramp is the one who keeps growling and barking at him. When we went inside someone opened the back door and out he ran. We live in a subdivision where all the houses are far apart b/c we all have acreage and there are alot of woods. I took off after him thinking I'd never see him again! I was running as fast as my legs would take me & my daughter jumped in her car & took off down the street. We finally caught up with him a few blocks away & he DID NOT want us to catch him. Anyway, it will be a challenge to keep him from getting out. All I could think of was he doesn't know where he lives yet & he'll get lost in the woods and I kept yelling 'MAX COME BACK' knowing full well he doesn't know his name yet. He has pee'd 3 times in the house so far & I just filled up a water bottle to squirt him when he does (someone told me to do that, but I'm open to suggestions). This is why I haven't wanted a male dog before. But he is soooo precious & right now he is laying under my chair. He seems to like Molly & she just seems tolerant of him. I got him to play with some toys a little. I don't know if he really ever has before. I'll post a picture as soon as I get my son's digital camera. Yes, I am behind the times & only have a 35mm! Oh, and I've already promised him I'll take him to the beach this summer, so he better learn not to escape!

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Your first day sounds quite adventueous...welcome to the wonderful world of Cairns!! Enjoy and keep us posted on his latest antics....there will be many.

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Congratulations. I'm sure everyone will learn to adjust. The peeing may be just because he doesn't yet know how to ask you to go out or he may not have had much training in his previous home. The escaping is something to be very careful of. Cairns should never be let out without a fenced yard or on a leash. They see things that we can't even see and are off to investigate.

I'm sure you will love this new family member and he will love all of you too.

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I'm so excited for you! It'll take a little bit of time for them to all get used to eachother and for Max to get used to his new home. I would suggest getting a baby gate to keep across the front door. I have one and don't have to worry about my boys running out the door anymore. You also might want to consider getting a crate for Max too. That will give him a "safe place" he can go if things start to get heated up, and it will help you prevent any accidents when you're not around. I can't wait to see pictures!!


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And life with Max is off and running!!!!!!!! Congratulations on your new addition. Boy you DEFINITELY will have to keep watch on the doors 'cause these buggers LOVE to get out and run. He sounds like a doll baby and I can't wait to see pictures!

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Congrats on your new addition! Can't wait to see pictures of him!!!

We looooovvveee pictures on this forum. The more the better.

I'm so glad my back yard is fenced in, cause it seems every time I even crack the back door Gidget is bolting out.

Tonight, it is pouring down rain and she couldn't care less. Every time she's gone out to potty she's stayed out three times longer than my other two. Oh, and hasn't managed to "potty" either time. She comes back in and poops in the hall!!! She's such a typical Cairn. Little :devil:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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