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Here's Our New Little Guy


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Sorry it has taken so long to respond, but a day after we picked up the new pup, something knocked me flat for a day or so. He has been a good little guy :) but as he ages I'm sure things will change. Cherokee didn't know what to think at first, but now I can tell they are bonding.

He has already started tormenting her :devil: , but when she's had enough she lets him know. Potty training is going about good as expected, but he will occasionally sample his poop :( How much meat tenderizer show I apply and for how long?

Here's a picture I took a few days ago, since then his ear has popped up. His father was red and mother looked like black brindle, any ideas on how he may turn out?


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He is just too cute. He looks like Ghillie when I brought him home.

I wish you guys would stop tormenting me with puppy pictures. I would really love another cairn but we have too much of a houseful already. (but I really do love seeing the pictures)

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post-338-1111873036_thumb.jpgCongrats! He sure is adorable!!! Finch's mother was a black brindle and her father was a red brindle. The breeder said she looks and acts like her father.

Edited to add that I FINALLY am able to add an attachement!! Yea!

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Oh what a sweet little angel!!! The best of luck with him and many happy, healthy years with him. Can't wait to see the pics. as he grows up!

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..........how cute! Hope you all have lots of happy days together!

..........these pictures are driving poor Abe's Dad bonkers...he wants another one so baaaaa.........dd! lol

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He's a very cute puppy! Being a brindle, it's always hard to tell what color he'll end up and he'll probably change a few times. My oldest, Kiara started out very dark w/ alot of red and then went light everywhere but her face. Now at almost 4, her back is again coming in black w/ red highlights. I was told my youngest one would end up cream like her daddy, but she is still very dark w/ just cream highlights. I think it's a guessing game when it comes to color.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Awwww...that picture gives me puppy fever, and I know a second cairn isn't in the cards. :( Sure wish I could add a little one like yours.

The good news about cairns? Over the course of this little guy's life, he'll probably be about four or five colors. So if you don't like the color he is, just wait. He WILL change. This little one looks like he'll stay brindle but what kind of brindle is almost impossible to know.

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