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Rockabye Baby


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Okay, this is going to sound weird...First of all, let me start by saying I work at home, and usually it's just me and Petey here in my office in the basement all day. He's usually pretty good, plays, naps, we take potty breaks, play breaks, etc.

Well, for the 5th day in a row, he came to sit right beside me and looked up with those big eyes and did his yipyap bark (he's a soprano). He wants me to pick him up, flip him over on his back, hold him like a baby (with his frito feet right in my face) and ROCK HIM! After I rock him a few minutes, he'll nod off to sleep, and I can put him in his bed and he's out for a while. Have I officially lost my mind? I'm rocking a dog to sleep....

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Not at all, it probably takes all your stresses away so really he is helping you!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Oh....that is SO sweet! :halo: Treasure those moments - you'll need them for those moments when the :devil: comes out.

My mom who is 82 is, and shall I say discreetly, a rather bosomy woman. Scully loves to jump up on her lap and lay her head on Grandmom's "mantel" and go sound asleep.

I was :D at the Frito feet in your face.

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Oh, how sweet!!! Frito feet smell and all....enjoy!

Finch likes to sleep on my lap, laying on her back...she even snores when she sleeps! DH and I think she is the most spoiled dog and the world, but I think Petey might have her beat! LOL!

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That is just too precious! I've tried to play "baby" with Elliott when he was little. He would want no part of my little game.

By the way, what kind of lullabyes do you sing to Petey as you rock him?

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Petey is deffenently a "Momma's Boy". Whenever we are both in the room and I call him he goes straight to Momma. Now if Momma isnt around he come right to me.

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Awww, how sweet. I would love it if Yoda did that, but he has that Cairn indifference, unless he wants his back scratched, then I'm okay.

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AllAboutPetey, My Aidan, likes to be held like a baby when he's real sleepy, too. He will do the dame, sit quietly, and stare at me with his big sleepy eyes, till I pick him up, lay him back like a baby and he likes to have his chest slowly rubbed andhe will fall fast asleep. (I love it) They can be such sweethearts!!!! I enjoy every minute of it. (my other cairn, Brodie, will have none of that! He's too 'independent' :-)

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That really is sweet! It took me my 3rd cairn to have one I could hold and rock like a baby. The other 2 love sitting w/ us in our double recliner, but Hannah loves being held on her back and cuddled. It is a nice stress reliever to hold a sleeping cairn.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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