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should I get him?


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Help! I went into a pet placement center yesterday to look at this one dog and ended up seeing this cairn terrier. He is precious and between 1 and 2 yrs old. When they let him out of his kennel he ran around like a mad man playing with the other dogs who were out. I took him into a room by myself to see if he would calm down away from the others and when I sat on the floor and pulled him into my lap, he finally calmed down and lay there better than my westie ever does. He seemed to love being loved on. He was 'stolen' by a neighbor who saw that he was being neglected and took him in and fattened him up & took him to this shelter last month. I have often thought that my 6 yr old westie, Molly, would love to have a playmate b/c she is very active & loves to play. But when it comes down to it, I'm a bit apprehensive b/c I don't want to hurt her feelings by bringing someone else into her home. I should mention that we have a 15 year old mutt and he just lays around all the time. Molly has always tried to play with him, but he's not interested. Molly sleeps on my bed and this cairn would, too, and be an inside dog & go out only on a leash. And I hope to have a fenced in back yard soon. I need to decide today whether to get him or not b/c they are only holding him 24 hrs. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks

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I'd say a big "Get Him"! You might not see another Cairn for a long time at the shelter - it seems to me they are not the most common breed! You might regret not bringing him home, and I'm sure Molly will welcome him with open paws! Go for it (to coin a phrase)!!!

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All I can say is I added a new cairn when Ghillie was 3 and the new cairn was 4 and they have been great friends ever since. It may take a day or two of getting used to each other but Mollie would probably love a playmate.

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Welcome CindyL :D

That is amazing to find a cairn in a shelter. I rarely see one.

As far as adoption, I think only you can answer that question.

It sounds like everything is in place. All I can add is that my Cairn

who is 3 years old loves, loves, loves Westies! :wub: I wish you

the best of luck no matter what you decide. Oh...and I am not sure if

you have ever owned a Cairn. If you have...you know how amazing they

are. If not....they are the most incredible dog ever! (I am a little biased)

Be well and let us know what you decide.

Ellie and Grilly


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Thanks for all the replies. No, I have never owned a cairn, just a westie, but if they're anywhere near similar I know I'll love him. I have made up my mind b/c I can't stop thinking about him. I have to do it! It was thunderstorming during the night and when I woke up I just hugged Molly and kept thinking I hope Max (that's what I'm naming him since nobody knows his name) isn't scared. I'm hopeless. I'm sure I'll be at this board regularly! Now I'm going to go call the shelter to tell them I'm getting him!

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I love the name Max. You must be so excited!

That is so sweet that you thought of him during

the thunderstorm. It was meant to be! Good luck.

I am so excited for you!!!! :w00t:


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What GREAT news!!!!!!! Max is going to be so excited and happy. I'm happy for you, it sounds like one of those "it's meant to be" things. Congratulations!

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I agree with everyone else..get him! When I got my 1-1/2 year-old cairn rescue, it was best thing I could have ever done for my 11-year-old rottie. She just layed around all the time too. Now, she gets more exercise trying to play with Banjo. Even the vet said that he wished he could convince people that it's good to have a younger dog around an older dog! Go, go, go...

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Max and Mollie. Sounds like a match made in heaven. Send pictures when you have them. Your older dog will probably be glad Mollie has someone to play with.

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Update - I called the shelter and they said they are closing at 1:00 today :( . She said that they need to take Max to the vet to have him checked for heartworms b/c that's part of the adoption and they're going to try to do that this afternoon. She also said that if I hadn't had a 24 hr hold on him he would have been adopted out this morning. Anyway, I'll be there at 10:00 in the morning to get him. I can't wait! And I talked with Molly and she told me she is really excited to be getting a brother to play with!

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Now I'm getting excited too....that is wonderful news and I'll bet your other two will love having another playmate.

My Winnie was 10 when I got Madison because I wanted Winnie to become more active. If that wasn't bad enough, I then went and got Elliott because I wanted someone to play with Madison when Winnie was tired out. Well, now I have 3 and have never regretted it.

Please keep us posted, pics if you can and congradulations!!!

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Okay - last update for today. Got a call that he tested negative for heartworms & he'll be waiting for me in the morning!! You guys are great! I'll let you know when I get him. One more question - Seems like I heard that it's best to leave the new dog outside & let the other dog come OUTSIDE to meet him. Any thoughts on the *least traumatic* way to introduce??

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I'm sure I heard the same bit of advice - seems like neutral territory would be best! Ask the folks at the shelter, they're likely to know! Congratulations - how exciting!

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Congrats on adopting little Max!!! We adopted a little puppy to keep our other dog (who was 2) company. It has worked out great with us!

I think I posted about getting two dogs together to meet. We did it in the backyard. Before they met, I took a towel and rubbed it on the puppy's face and bottom. I then took the towel to the older dog and let her sniff it for a few min. I then had them meet in a neighbors yard to "get to know each other" for about 15 min. I then had them both play in OUR yard for awhile, and then I brought them both in the house. I know it was different for us since one was a 8 week old puppy, but I think this would work for older dogs too.

I try to think about it this way. How would I feel if my husband came home and brought another wife home with him. He told me that everything would be ok and that he would love both of us. Well...I know my husband wouldn't do this....but it's how the first dog must feel. Give them time to get use to each other. Don't leave them alone, together, for awhile. Most dogs adapt pretty quickly and love having a playmate. I know my two LOVE each other and are best friends.

Good luck and please don't forget to post pictures!!!!

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Cindy, I am so excited for you! I think that Molly is going to be very happy to have a new playmate, and Max is a wonderful name. I hope the introduction goes well. I can't wait to see pictures of Mad Max! :P He's lucky to have found you!


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I am on Abe's dads computer, and didn't realize that I was signed in as such.........

anyway congrats on Max!

abe's dad keeps hinting that we need another one, I keep putting him off, I figure if we wait until the twins (15yrs) leave the nest and then we get another baby, the empty nest will not seem too empty...cause cairn's have a way of becoming rulers of the roost!!

I agree they are special dogs, and he was certainly what I needed after we lost our our collie of 13 yrs (my best friend)

All that to say I am happy for you!

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The way I introduced my rescued Cairn to my older dog was by putting him (the Cairn) in his crate & letting them get acquainted that way. It was a very short introduction period & they were fine!

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