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Introducing... myself & Theodore (10 weeks)

Nicole Z

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Hi everyone, 


I'm new here & so excited to be joining the cairn community. I've been reading these posts as I prepared to bring Theodore home, but just now made an account to actually participate! 

Theodore and I both made it through week 1 together without too much stress. He is getting the hang of potty training, sleeps great at night, loves to chew his toys in my lap, and we have some great play sessions every day... but I feel like everything I researched about training has gone out the window! I'm also looking ahead to grooming and feeling nervous about actually getting him to sit through it! The breeders were grooming him before I brought him home and made it look SO EASY! There's so much to learn together and it's so exciting but a bit nerve wracking!! 

Do you have any advice, stories, or words of wisdom from your first few months with your cairns? 

Thank you!!!




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Oh my gosh, Theodore is adorable!

Potty training takes time and when you don't think your puppy will ever be housebroken, they actually will be......I promise!

We got Atticus at 3.5 months old, and by the time he was 4.5 months old, he was totally housebroken. The breeder used a litter box, which Atticus used for about 2 weeks and then decided not to! We set our Google Max to alert us every hour and we took him out then. We also took him out after every meal, nap, and play time. We tried the "bell by the door" method, but he wouldn't use it. We just waited for his signs and when we both figured out what they were, the light bulb went off.

Potty training is exhausting, and consumes your day, but it WILL happen! Theodore is a very young puppy right now, but he will grow so fast....too fast! Atticus will be one in June and I already miss the puppy stages!

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Hello Theodore! Such a cutie. Ready to take you on the ride of your life - full of surprises and fun and games.........

I did potty training as above for Angus. It was exhausting at times but perserverence paid off. He suddenly 'got it' overnight one day it seemed. You'll find many many suggestions re this and other "growing up" situations if you look at previous posts.

Re grooming I put him on a table from the beginng and used fingers and brush for a few minutes even if there wasn't enough hair there to pull or brush. I wanted him to get used to the process.





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Thank you so much for the support already :)  it's so nice to have this community to celebrate cairn life with! Theodore has had a full rich day and is napping beside me. 

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he is a spectacular beauty! have you had a cairn before? my only advice is: these are extremely smart and imaginative dogs who will stay one step ahead of you. don't get down on yourself.

they dig under fences and climb like monkeys. my philosophy is they can't be off leash, but you will see a variety of experiences and philosophies here. 

as they get more comfortable and confident they push the boundaries, that is all part of being cairn smart and optimistic. they will try anything. don't get mad (they will make a note if they can push your buttons). don't get lazy (always be consistent, no matter how he tries to wear you down). establish the rules and stick to them. you will win. your cairn will respect you and be ecstatic that he has a human he can be proud of.

they mature around 3 years old. hope you have no plans between now and then. 

once you have the complications behind you, you will have a friendship with your dog like nothing you can imagine now. they are empathic, insightful, funny, loyal, and will respond to what you mean, not what you say. it will all be worth it. 

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5 hours ago, sanford said:

It looks ike he's already figured you out!

i agree. she's a goner. 

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Ditto to all that pkcrossley has written.  I can add, no matter how cute they are, don’t let your training lax.  They are the best!  I’m greeeeeen!

Enjoy every minute, and keep the photos coming, please.

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