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New Member from Dallas, Texas!


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Hello, I found out about this message forum from Beth who I met on Dogster! I am 25, male, living in Plano, Texas which is NE of Dallas, and I have a cairn that is 12 years old. My aunt has had 4 cairn terriers since 1983 and loves them to death and that is how I fell in love with them.

Here's a picture of him that I snagged from Dogster.....


Anyways.... I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself!

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Welcome to the forum!! I'm fairly new here myself, and already I have gotten a lot of valuable information and advice. Everyone here is just great!!! Your Cairn is precious...so handsome!! What is his name?


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Welcome to the forum!!  I'm fairly new here myself, and already I have gotten a lot of valuable information and advice.  Everyone here is just great!!!  Your Cairn is precious...so handsome!!  What is his name?



Thank you Jan. His name is Frisky!

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Welcome to our family, Frisky's Dad and Frisky! He's a handsome dude.

I grew up with Beagles since my dad hunted and that was one of our Beagle's name.

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Hi Frisky and his Dad welcome to this forum lots of great people here!

Frisky is quite handsome.



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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A Big Cairn Welcome to you and Frisky. He's a cutie!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Welcome! Awww, Frisky is so handsome. Did you grow up together, since he is 12 and you're 25? He must really be your best friend.

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And a warm greeting from Winnie, 11...Madison, 18 months and Elliott, 7 months. They are indeed a wonderful breed and your little guy is precious. All mine are in the redish/silver brindle category and I want my next Cairn to be dark.

Hmmmmm, did I say my NEXT Cairn? :shock:

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Another warm welcome from Duffy (Cairn) age 18 months and Mickey (Westie) age 5 months and me, their dad. I'm an old timer with the Forum and it is always great when new people join. I know that you will enjoy being a member.


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Hello. I'm still new to this forum as well, but since my family thinks I'm going overboard with the attention I give my Tink, I have to talk to others who are like me, or maybe even worse! I love to see the pictures and hear the stories about Cairns. Mine is a mischief maker, and a lover all in one little body. She is 8-months now. My previous Cairn lived to 17 years.



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Welcome Frisky and Frisky's dad! I have a 7 y.o. Cairn. I had a Cairn mix as a child who lived to 16. They sure are a fun breed! :wub:

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Welocome to the forum! Your Cairn looks to be in great shape for 12 and very cute. My Nicky is about 2 1/2 years old. This forum has been so important to help me adjust to Nick. Very important! And also in feeding him, when he was neutered and on and on. May you be as blessed as we have been from the wisdom of other Cairn's parents :) .

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