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does your cairn "make the bed"

Toto times 2

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Ghillie in particular always "makes his bed" before he lies down. He grabs the covers, pillow or whatever he he on and hauls them around with his teeth and then pats them down until he is satisfied. He will get the bed and shake it and pull it around until it is exactly right. It is the funniest thing to watch and keeps us in stitches. Smokey does only once in a while.

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It's funny you brought this subject up...some of the things these guys do is a riot to watch.

Mine like to circle the sleeping area to find the ideal spot, sometimes they'll dig and yesterday Madison decided she needed to be invisible in her crate so she managed to sandwich herself between her crate pillow and the velour bed....all I could see was a huge lump.

They are just so amusing

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Cooper does this too.....although, between me leaving for work this morning at 0630 and my husband getting home from work at 0900, they had ripped their bed to shreds and there was foam all over the kitchen! Not a good thing to greet a tired graveyard worker with!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Scully does that every now and then. She does that with the pillow on the sofa; she'll do it with her fleece bed. She'll dig in it, pull on it, go around in a few circle and then PLOP!

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Scout just walks around in a circle and "plops" down on her bed. Finch will "dig" her bed.....which is why they are not allowed on our sofas in the family room...leather furniture would be a mess after Finch got through with it!

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Liddy likes to dig and circle in her blanket or bed until it is just the right kind of messy. Sometimes she'll do this before sitting on my lap and I'll have to tell her, "Liddy, these are legs. You cannot dig legs."

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