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I frequent the website I adopted Axle from and yesterday, I came across the following dog up for adoption:


How adorable is that little face?!!! :wub: Aaarrgggh....how tempting but having two terrors in the house is quite a handful right now. My bf said he will have no part of a 3rd. dog and I understand why ;) . Hopefully Flip finds a loving home soon.

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He is absolutely precious...I can see why you would be tempted!!! I'm sure he will have no trouble finding a wonderful home!!


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Oh geesh! Sure wish I hadn't seen that sweet face! Flip is precious!!

I am within driving distance of that shelter and I could be there in just a few minutes!

No, no, no......no, no, no.....hehe!


Cathy and Piper

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I can't even look. The thought of dogs in a shelter gets to me. I'm going to take your word for how adorable Flip is.

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Flip is adorable. I have a new Westie in my home named Mickey and he and my Cairn Duffy get along wonderfully..........well, most of the time! Westies are a little calmer than Cairns. It's too bad you can't adopt him, but with a sweet little face like that, he will find a home in no time.


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Awwwwww, He's soooo cute!

Scully's Mom, I knew you couldn't resist. :P

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Okay now here is the problem. I have this craving for another baby (cairn or other terrier NOT child) and would drive days in order to get one but my husband is not easily convinced. And you guys keep showing me adorable pups and dogs.


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Toto - here in Toronto, our Humane Society seized 22 puppies from a pet shop just the other day all matted and filthy - they are available, but they say that they've had dozens of calls - thank God! (I haven't seen them, so don't know the breed.)

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Hey there fancypants - I'm in Barrie pretty close to Toronto. The problem is I have two cairns and two cats and really can't add anyone else to the family unless I buy a bigger house. It would be really hard to turn down a rescued pup so I try not to look too much. By the way Happy Spring - it is snowing here.

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Glad to meetcha! We have 1 cat of our own (Poppy) and another staying with us so we're in exactly the same boat! No more pets for us. Some day I'd like to have a second Cairn though so they could play together and use up some of that energy!!

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Cute dog, but I will take a Cairn over a Westie anyday.

Good luck Flip

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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