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Tie Outs


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We don't have a fenced in yard, so with the nice weather approaching we will be looking for tie outs with a long lead for Abby. We want something long enough that she almost feels like she has the freedom of the whole yard. Is it better to use a harness or a collar with something like this? I appreciate any suggestions!!!


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We have utilized a 15 foot tie out lead for Scully, both out front and out back. She loves to go out and run and play and we haven't had any problems at all. Our tie out lead out front is how she goes potty. It reaches up to our door and we just keep her at the door, hook her up and off she goes to go potty. We bought ours at Petsmart for a medium size dog.

That being said, we are spending a lot of $$$ in a few months to have our yard fenced in, and what little grass there is taken out and cemented, so she can run and play to her heart's content.

I think you'd be happy with the tie out lead.

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We use a tie out when we are camping. It works ok, but I love my fence!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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We use a cable tie out about 25' long which we purchased from Walmart. Most of the time we use it with a harness cause I am afraid the dogs might slip their collars off their heads. Don't want that to happen when we're not looking.

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What type of tie out do y'all use? I have seen the type that is essentially a stake in the ground attached to a long leash, and I have seen the type that is a leash/cord attached to a cable that is about 8 feet above ground. What is the best type to use if we do not have an enclosed back or front yard? Thanks.

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We use a tie out too. Ours screws into the ground and we have a very long lead on it. The dogs have access to pretty much most of the yard. Since I want both of them out, we have an attachement that hooks to both of their collars. There is about 2 feet between the two and they run around the backyard together. I still need to get one for the front yard since I garden alot and we have beds in the front.

I saw the kind that attaches to a heavy base. This is portable and you can move it around. I might try this kind for the front yard.

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I also have a tie-out. I currently have it strapped to the deck and she can run into the yard and up do the sliding door, but she lots of times gets around one of the posts and gets "stuck". No worry about her hanging herself, it isn't that kind of "stuck". Anyway, with warmer weather coming, I also have one of those things that screws into the ground and I'm going to get a longer tie for it. My question is, what type of harness do you use? I had her out last night on the retractable leash and she ran so fast I couldn't keep up and she got to the end while running and it really pulled at her neck. I'm thinking a harness will be better all around, but not sure what kind to get. Also do you leave it on them all of the time?

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I have only taken Bruschi out on-leash right now. I am going to fence in the yard once the better weather comes or at least part of it so he can run around. I was going to buy the tie out. Do you leave them out alone on the tie out? People made me scared to do it because of larger animals coming in and bothering them.

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I always about something happening to Mila while she is out, but I can see her out the window. There is no problem about neighborhood dogs or anything where we live, as we live out in the country a little, but I worry about all the little bunnies, etc. that start to come around in the spring. Since the birds have been out more, she barks her head off at everything. I usually have to go out and get her before the barking gets to be a habit.

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Guest posting as: pookiegirl

Hello to All,

We also use a tie out in both the front and backyard.

In the front, my husband screwed an eye hook into the house and that is how we attach the tieout.

In the back yard, our deck is about 12 feet up off the ground. We attached an eye hook to the upper portion of the deck and another to a tree at the opposite side of the deck and ran a tie out between the two area. Off of this is another tie out attached so it slides back and forth while our dog runs around gving her lots of free movement.

We now own two Cairns. We have decided to fence in the backyard. Have not started to get estimates yet. If you have a fenced in backyard, does anyone remember the average cost?



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A word of caution for those of you who use tie-outs for their pups. There have been many reports of small dogs being stolen from their yards to be used as bait dogs for dog fights. Keep a very watchful eye on them if you need to leave them outside for a few moments (although if they're anything like mine, they'll sound the alarm if anyone approaches!)

I would also recommend using a harness whenever tying out your dogs b/c cairns can back out of their collars. Scruffy is very good at this.


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Thanks for all of your replies!! We're going to get the type of tie out that screws into the ground. After reading all of the posts I'm kind of leaning towards the harness...I'm scared that if she's playing and excited she will hit the end of the lead no matter how long it is and hurt her neck. Also, the thoughts of her getting out of the collar simply petrifies me!! I know you can't be too careful with these babies!! Someone will always be with her when she's on the tie out...we're outside a lot in the warm weather with our two daughters (ages 9 & 6). We have a friend that learned the hard way. He put his miniature schnauzer on a tie out and went inside to start dinner never thinking anything would happen. In that short amount of time, another dog came into his yard and attacked his dog. Thankfully, he's fine now, but it was very scary.

Thanks again for all of your responses. It's great being able to share ideas and get advice.


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Good point......dogs should never be left outside alone. If they are tied up, they are safe from running away, but not away from danger of other dogs who might harm them.

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After reading the posts, I went to Petco this weekend & purchased a 20-foot tie-out. My backyard is fenced, but I thought it would be good for when I'm working in the front yard - that way Banjo can be with me instead of inside watching me.

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