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Finally, The Saga Ends!


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As some of you may know, my wife and I have been through you know what the last few weeks. Appears my letter sent last week finally sunk in. We received a certified letter yesterday with our refund on the puppy.

We were suppose to pickup our pup from the new breeder last week, but she called at last minute stating, she was having trouble getting him weaned and it would be best if we waited another week. :confused:

So my wife called a few minutes ago and he is ready!!! :D We are both tickled pink. It has been a long drawn out month, but everything seems to have worked out for the best, WOOHOO

Lets just hope his big sister, Cherokee, accepts her little brother Gunther

Thx everyone for all the words of encouragement and we'll try get get some pictures posted ASAP :thumbsup:

Greg , Laura and Cherokee

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Great news!

How exciting! I bet you don't sleep tonight.

Let us know how things are going...and posts

lots of pics.


Ellie and Grilly

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I am so glad you will get your puppy! Please post pictures.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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