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Who does your dog like?


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We live in a neighborhood where a lot of dog owners walk their dogs rather than just sending them out in the back yard. We walk our cairn twice or three times a day too. What we CANNOT figure out is who -- among the dogs she meets and greets in her daily walks -- she will like, and who she will decide to absolutely hate. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it.

For instance, she absolutely loved an older lab/retriever mix that lived a few blocks away, so much so that once when I was walking her she stopped at the end of their front walk, tail wagging slightly, in hope that Tanner would come out I think. She also likes a sled dog type (and is crazy about his owner), and she gets along with the other neighborhood cairn. She will go into bark and snarl fests with the two dogs across the street, though, as well as a rottweiler, an elkhound, and an unknown-type black dog that walks by our house daily.

So have any of you figured out why your dogs like who they like in their own little dog world?

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I don't think that our dogs are any different than we are. How many of us like or dislike various individuals in our neighborhoods, work places and even (God forbid!) in our families. I'm very sure that our canine pals are the same way.


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Carolina loves the hard-to-get type. :P If a dog ignores her, she LOVES them. If a dog seems too friendly and pays her too much attention, she'll snarl. :mad:

We have a dog in the cul-de-sac across from us that she adores. His owners let him wander :shock: and when he comes over to "visit" Carolina can hardly stand it until I let her out to see him. They play the "peepee game" for about a minute and then Carolina is ready to come back in. She loves Karm b/c he pretty much ignores her! :wub:

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Molly hates the rotty across the street and any dog that I fawn over, she likes to be the queen bee where I'm concerned. In the house I am the object of her effection, she don't like anyone near me when she is on my lap. DH is the object of Holly our cats affection and won't let anyone or any animal near him when she is with him. But like most cairns if she could get to the dogs she snarls at she would either be a bit friendlier or keep her distance.

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Our next-door neighbors have an old black lab and a Yorkie, both of whom Liddy loves. When she was a puppy the lab would come over to check her out, but the Yorkie ignored her. Either way, Liddy loved them.

There are lots of dogs in our neighborhood and on walks, Liddy likes to make sure she barks at each and every one of them. However, if the dog barks at her first, she will ignore them.

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Scout loves all dogs and thinks they are all her best friends! She mostly plays with the dog next door and they have been best friends since she was born. Finch doesn't really seem to care about other dogs....she could give or take any of them...except Scout. She didn't play very much with the other dogs in her puppy class and she ignores the dog next door. She LOVES playing with Scout and as far as she is concerned, Scout is the only dog that gets her attention!

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Ghillie loves everyone. Smokey likes everyone except the boxer who lives 2 doors down. I think it's because Jazz (the boxer) really likes my husband.

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Bosco never used to bark at other dogs, but now he barks at all dogs. Is this just doggy language, or does he now hate all other dogs? :confused:

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Rebel likes all dogs with the exception of Boxers. And as a rule everyone we meet he growls at them. I wondered if it was because when he was in puppy class there was a boxer who was there because he was aggressive and he came across the room after Rebel who was sitting on my lap just watching the others.

If the trainer had not caught the boxer in time eithee Rebel or I would have gotten hurt. I did not see it coming because I was talking to the girl next to me.

That was over a year ago and when we go walking he still growls at boxers but the other dogs get a bark and tail wag.

Who knows what it is...


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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My Eddie hates having his behind sniffed and will growl at dogs who attempt to do this, especially the ones that are very persistent and will not back off. It's never brought him into trouble, most dogs understand the message.

He's not interested in other dogs apart from one exception. He's absolutely mad about Collie's (Lassie dogs as I still tend to call them) It doesn't matter if he's never met them before, if he spots one he runs up to it, tail wagging like mad.

His best friend used to be a Briard which was quite funny because they differed so much in size. But since we've moved he doesn't see the dog anymore.

On the rare occasion that the does play with dogs it's usually ones that are (much) bigger than him. He has no interested whatsoever in small dogs.

What I find quite funny is that he'll never bark back at any dog who barks at him. He just turns his back and ignores them, as if he thinks he's above that sort of behaviour. :D

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Axle hates the Bullmastiff living across from us. Whenever the mastiff barks (even once), he goes lets loose and barks at the top of his lungs for the longest time. Cami pretty much gets along with any dogs as long as they don't bug her too much. Axle's best dog friend is definitely Cami and vice-versa. :)

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Grilly "hates" :( German Shepards.

He can't stand them. He goes crazy

when he sees them. I think he is holding

a grudge. He went to a doggie daycare

ONCE and was picked on (I think) by

two German Shepards. He has never forgotten

or forgiven. :huh:

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