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Cairn Ears II


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Okay, now I am a registered member of the forum. Anyone have an idea when the ears of a Cairn pup become erect. My two male pups are 2 months old. My wife and I named them Dubh Striachan (pronounced doo stree-ock-an and meaning black brindel) and Donnan Conan (meaning brown wee doggie). LOL

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Hello, and welcome (all though I am still fairly new myself) Toto's ears occasionally flopped over until he hit about 5 1/2 months old. They have been erect since, but I'm sure that everyone is different. And I love their names they are so original (and too cute) of what orgin are they? Hope to see some pics soon. :) - Darsey

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Welcome to the Forum. Duffy's ears were erect when we got him at 9 weeks old and we just got a 14 week old Westie whose ears are also erect at this point. I'm sure it varies from dog to dog.


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Hi, welcome to a great forum! My youngest cairn was over 5 mths before her ears stayed up. My other two were much younger. I have a breeder friend, and I've seen some of his puppies ears up within the first few weeks. I think it varies w/ each dog.

Please post some pics of your new pups.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Scout's were up when we got her at age 10 weeks. Finch's stood up about 11 or 12 weeks. I think they are adorable with their ears flopped over! Finch had one up and one down for a few days..sooooo cute! I wish they had stayed that way just another few weeks. :)

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Welcome!! Glad to see another West Virginian here!! Abby is 4 months old and her ears were up when she was 10-11 weeks old. I love the names of your puppies!! We're looking forward to pictures and stories!!!


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Guest Guest

Welcome to the forum!

Scully's ears were up at 7 weeks in the pictures that the breeder sent us. We got her at 10 weeks and they were still up.

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Guest girliejr

Jack must be a late breeder! :P His ears didn't stand all the way up until about 6 or 7 months! At about 4 to 5 months he had one ear up and one down! I will have to dig up some of those pics. It really was so cute when he would tilt his little head and one ear was straight up and the other flopped over! So cute!

I think it must vary from dog to dog. If I would have read all of this when Jack was a puppy, I might have been nervous, but I didn't know back then that he was a late bloomer!

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Thanks, everyone, for your answers to my question. Now, I just have to sit back and wait for either a few days or a few months. LOL :D

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Welcome aboard! You have joined a forum that consists of nothing but nice, helpful folks.

My little one is now 19 weeks and her right ear has been standing since last Friday. Her left ear is still flopped over, but I have noticed if she alerts to something she can make it stand also. I have a feeling withing the next few days it will be standing up also.

I hope we get to see pics very soon!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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  • 11 months later...

When I took Shadow to the vet at approximately 4 months old one of his ears still flopped. She explained that the veins that keep the ears erect weren't getting enough blood and had me scotch tape his ear so that it stayed up. It took less than 48 hours for this to have a permanent effect. Meanwhile, it was pretty cute seeing him walk around with tape on his ear for a couple days. :)

Max and Nelly

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Tabby's ears were both up when we brought her home. They were so big for her head.

Teona has the 1 floppy ear still at 15 months. It doesn't bother me too much, I think it's cute.


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I recently asked this same question. About a month ago (at three months), her ears stood straight up within a day or two. She's four months now.

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