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adventures in cairn land

Toto times 2

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Well, this morning was one of those cairn mornings. Ghillie started barking before my husband left for work in hopes that I would get up. He usually settles down after a few barks and comes back to bed for a while.

Not this morning. He barked and fussed and whined so I was starting to think something was really wrong. Everything seemed fine although Smokey hadn't eaten his breakfast but Ghillie kept fussing. He didn't want out, played with me a bit, let me pet him, sat with me but kept going over to the couch where Smokey was.

I started thinking something was drastically wrong with Smokey and Ghillie was trying to alert me. I rushed over to check on Smokey who promptly rolled over exposing the treat he had been sleeping on. Ghillie snatched it up ate it and was perfectly happy for the rest of the day.

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Guest webstar

These cains are nobody's fool, they know how to get what they want. That was funny Toto x 2. Whenever Molly can't reach something she wants she barks in the diretion its in, be it a toy under the couch or a steak on the counter. This afternoon we were coming home from town and we took the lower road instead of the upper road that goes by the farm. Molly had been laying in my lap and the minute we hit the fork and went in the wrong direction she got up and looked at her surroundings then at us and made a few groans in digust that she wasn't going to get to bark at the horses. Most of the time if she is on a familiar road she lays down in the car but if its a road shes never been on she gets up and takes it all in. It baffles me how she knows the difference. MG

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That's funny! That must have drove Ghillie crazy knowing there was a treat under Smokey. :lol: "The nose knows!" That reminded me of something similiar here. On Sunday, all the cairns got their morning treat before we went to church. I always crate Abbey & Hannah and leave Kiara babygated in our breakfast room where her bed is. I noticed she wasn't settling down as we left but just thought she wanted to play and told her to lay down. After church we always stop off at a restaurant before coming home. When we arrived home, Kiara was VERY vocal. I checked on her and her eyes looked down and then, down and up while barking. I looked and realized when I tossed her her treat earlier, it must have bounced back through the babygate out of her reach. The poor girl had probably been staring at that treat the whole time we were gone. Needless to say, I gave her another treat for suffering. :lol:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Funny stories! Sometimes these dogs act like they haven't been fed for days...the way they carry on about treats! :lol:

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My other Cairn had this incanny sense of either timing or direction, not sure which. If we were driving the hour to my brother's house, every time without fail, she would wake up from sleeping all the way up at the same exact point in the road. She'd start crying and scratching at the window from that point until the approximately 1/4 mile to his house. We never could figure that one out.

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Personally I think they know where they are, because Abe helps me take the twins to school every morning, and loves to bark at Oreo (neighbors dog) and he knows on the way back when I get ready to turn off onto our road in gets in dashboard position for a birds eye view!

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I think Cairns know where they are too! Mine will perk up when we get close to the house. They can be sleeping soundly and suddenly sit up and look out the window when we are a block away from the house. How do they know???

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Guest toto times two

Personally I think cairns have supernatural powers. They know when we pull into town from a trip and when we hit our street.

How do they know our car from any other car going past. And have you ever noticed that one minute they are sleeping peacefully in one spot and the next they are sleeping somewhere entirely different and you never actually see them move.

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.......well I dunno, Abe is a hilarious sleeper, he grunts-groans-moans-whimpers-runs-dreams......and if we dare disturb him he sighs loudly and exasperatedly at us!

Sometimes my kids bug him a little just to get a reaction out of him!

I swear I think they have a human gene in them.

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