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Five minutes.....just five minutes did I take my eyes off him today!


Then there's the face that says, "I didn't do it, it wasn't me!"


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I just had to share those pics with my husband. We both were rotflol to tears.

We love the way he looks - nonchalant - who me?

Did I do something? :whistle::twisted::whistle::whistle:



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That was good for a laugh! I always keep the bathroom door closed when I am at home, however, my husband doesn't always do this. One day I'm at work and he calls to tell me he can't find the dog...both him and the grandson have been looking for him and they know he's in the house because they hadn't opened any outside door to let him out. After several minutes of searching, he happened to open the bathroom door to find the brand new roll of toilet paper empty and what had been on said roll, torn and shredded to bits! I'm glad he had to clean it up, because you know, ever since he keeps the bathroom door shut too!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Those pictures are hilarious. I saw the pictures while Harley was sitting on my lap. He was looking at the screen too, and I told him "Dont get any ideas". :nono: I don't know why these dogs love toilet paper so much. :devil:

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Guest girliejr

That is so funny! Cairn's have the cutest looks on their faces! I think it is so we don't get too mad at them when they are in trouble! :P

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I somehow missed this post. Little Elliot reminds me of that saying about children. It goes something like, the cuter the child, the more mischievious! I guess I'm telling you that Elliot is REALLY cute!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Too funny!!! Charlie getting busted with the toilet paper was the picture I was trying to post, as well. :P

Wondering... Must you link pics to post them? Is so, where do you upload them? Your own websites?

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What a hoot! Elliott is just TOO cute. But don't feel bad as you are not the only one who gets the TP'd. Duffy has done this many times and too my absolute horror, yesterday I saw Mickey attempting to jump to reach the TP also. Cairns love themselves some paper and I guess Westies do too!


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Scully doesn't touch the TP - BUT, he loves to watch the swirl of the water in the toilet. A flush will keep her mesmerized!

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Joanne, Scout loves to watch the toilet water too!

Mine leave the toilet paper alone...thank goodness! Scout has a thing for used (yuck!) Qtips....she will go into the trash to pick them out...double yuck!

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It's a bathroom thing...Elliott not only destroys the toilet paper but he also loves Q-tips and my eyelash curler, comb, hair pick, blush brush and our wash cloths have become a favorite....

The other morning he grabbed a washcloth from the low rack near the tub and I didn't see him do it until he was outside doing business...there he is in his "business" position with one of my good washcloths hanging out of his mouth! I would have taken a pic but he was doing his "private" thing and I would never embarrass him. :shy:

He loves just hanging in the empty tub...I am so tempted to turn on the shower one of these days but I know it will only make more work for me when he jumps out soaking wet.

Gotta love these guys

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Guest webstar

So typical of cairns get the dirty work done then give you a you wouldn't dare kill me look. Thats one hoot of a picture. Thats one for GD to see. She loves to see all the magnificent cairn pictures.

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Lucky for me, Gidget hasn't found the roll of tp. She only goes for the stuff in the trash can in the bathroom. Heaven forbid I forget to set it up out of her way.

As much trouble as I'm having house training her she's going to soon need to learn how to use toilet paper! :mad:

What stubborn little critters these guys are. I had her and my German Shepherd, Buddy out today for about 30 min. thinking she would definately have to do something before I brought her back in. I stayed out with her the whole time and all she ever did was pee. Sure enough, I brought her back in, turned my back and she had pooped in the bathroom. At least she's in the right room :lol:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Oh, I hope abe's dad gets time to take a peek at that one........cause Abe puts us through the same paces........the little stinkers!

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Speaking of Qtips, I can't keep my bathroom trash cans on the floor any longer because Tink cleans out all the paper, Qtips or anything else gross she can find. Now, one can sits on the back of the toilet, and another inside the vanity cabinet. Nothing can be convenient for humans any longer...



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