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See Why I'm Jealous?


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I'd love for Scully to be cuddly with stuffed animals like many of yours are. Here's the perfect example of her handiwork.

As parent's we're SO proud - NOT! :confused::confused::confused:

This is a bear my husband gave me before we were married and it sits on a little play chair. Well, it DID sit there.

Poor Poor Bear

And this is Scully attempting Round Two!

Let Me At It

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Guest mrskti

Well, i guess it's her's now!!! she just wanted to have something of her own to love!!!!! BTW, do you know how to sew??? lol

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She had made off with it and was underneath my bed while I was in the shower!

mrskti, I DO sew, but I'm afraid "bear" is beyond hope. She was given a proper burial.

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My God Joanne, are we sure that Scully and Duffy are not related. I thought that he was the only one who could disembowel a stuffed toy with such precision! I guess I was wrong. At least Scully left the innards pretty much in one place. Duffy would have had them scattered all over the place. It's too bad that she had to practice her surgical skills on such a treasured keepsake. Be strong!


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Bosco can disembowel any stuffed toy in under 2 minutes - if there is a squeaker in the toy egging him on, the time for extraction is lowered. And yet I am still dumb enough to buy him toys that I think are cute - I think I should avoid PETCO and shop directly at the 99cent store. :confused:

BTW - those "indestructible toys" like the Cuz toy - he pulled the legs off within 5 minutes. :(

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Piper and Scully must be twin dogs of different mothers, lol. Piper can also (and has) dismantle any stuffed toy faster than any Cairn terrier in the West, East, North or South!! But my DH and I sure got a chuckle out of your pictures. Scully looks oh so sweet and innocent. :halo:

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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I feel for you!!! I have a whole shelf of bears that I collect and I am waiting for the day when one of my little ones decides to even think of playing with them. Some things are just off limits -- even to cairns :mad:

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Let me show you some on my patients. They are currently in our "hospital", and it looks like recovery is 50/50! LOL!

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Shoot....I tried using attachments, for the first time, but they didn't show up!!

Anywho...here they are again:

This is a Dr Noy toy (I think that's the name) and it lasted about an hour....at the most!


This is a stuffed hamburger...well..at least it was!


This one has had surgery a few times:


And this is the guilty one!


The funny thing is, we have a Dr Noy toy, a frog, that is still intact....go figure!

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Shoot....I tried using attachments, for the first time, but they didn't show up!!

Pssst. They don't show up on preview (only the tag does); they do show up after posting, though. Or, you forgot the 'insert into post' step.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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"The total filespace required to upload all the attached files is greater than your per post or global limit. Please reduce the number of attachments or the size of the attachments."

This is the error message I am getting.

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Too cute, Joanne and Shoe! Stuffies don't last very long in this house, either. I have found that the Ty Beanie Babies last longer than any of the ones I've bought at the petstores. They especially love how heavy they are and I can throw them much farther than a regular stuffie. Right now they have chewed the nose off a really cute seal beanie. But he is still intact! :thumbsup:


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I see we have similar tastes when it comes to buying toys for our pups. It gets very Frankenstein-y after one or two repairs, huh? And our Dr. Noys Duck and the dark grey pup from the same company are torn to bits as well. :)

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I see Scully's in good company!

Shoe I got such a kick out of the "guilty" picture in the plastic box. Cracks me up!

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Too funny, it really is not easy being a cairn! But you know Cairn's keep their people healthy! They say 15 mins. of laughter a day helps the heart.....I don't know about you but I get loads of laughs from my doggies!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Guest pjoes_Girl

Yea, those stuffys don't last long around here either, but I love to watch him go at them. Dollar store is probably the best bet like you said. It's a mission with these Cairns to get that stuffing out! :whistle:

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if that's the case, hallswel, my heart will live forever. I can't believe how much pleasure and joy comes from owning these Cairns. Even during their naughty periods I find myself grinning.

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This is an old picture, but I am beginning to wonder if I have the only Cairn who would rather carry his stuffies around the house?




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