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Guest Tiggly

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Guest Tiggly

Hi all,

Ive taken on a little girl of 2 years to further her show career and eventually as my first breeding bitch. Shes adorable but very much her own little person. Is this a Cairn trait?

She gets on 100% with my show Brittany as they are both similer ages (they are not kennel dogs, but come in and go out and are crated at night.) She dosnt like to be petted and will only come up to you for food.

Are they all like this? Or will I just have to be patient?

Thank all! :whistle:

Guest girliejr

Jack will only come to me for a treat. He know I might do something with him that he doesn't want to do; i.e. hold him! He is very independent and he doesn't really like to be held, unless we are at the vet's office or the dog park, then he doesn't want to leave my lap! :lol: I think at the dog park he is trying to show all the other dogs that I belong to him! They are so cute and you can't help but fall in love with their little independent personalities! :wub:


Do you know much about her previous home? Maybe she hasn't been used to being petted up and will take a while to figure out it feels great. Both my boys react differently. One would sit in my lap all the time while the other likes to be in the same room but not necessarily touching.


I'm sure its different when you have them since a pup or getting them as older dogs. Bruschi loves to be petted and loves food. He sometimes comes when called...especially if I say "you wanna eat" :P

He is his own "person" that's for sure, but he follows us around room to room most of the time.


I've had my Eddie for 9 years now, and he's never been a very affectionate dog. He'll come up to me when he wants to eat or play, but rarely for a cuddle. He doesn't mind being cuddled, but I have to make the first move, so to speak :)

He does love to be petted by complete strangers though!! He can't get enough attention from people. Sometimes it's even a bit embarassing because it almost seems as if he gets neglected at home (which he doesn't he's on his own for maybe 2 hours a week)

I've taught him not to jump up at me, but I'm the only one he doesn't do it to. He loves to get his muddy paws on other people's trouser legs. :shock:


With not knowing her background, it's hard to say what's going on. She might just need more time to get use to you and how you show affection. My two are very friendly, and love to be held and petted. Scout doesn't like for me to hold her for a long time and will wiggle to get free. Finch LOVES to be held and carried around. I think each dog is different you will just need to give her time to show you what "normal" is to her.


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