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Carpet ruts....


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I had to bathe Cooper today, which he dearly loves, but doesn't get often. Once finished, we came back downstairs and off he went from one end of the house to the other, with his body as planted into the carpet as he could be! If I hadn't of been laughing so hard, I'd have taken a picture, but it was so funny!! How do they do this for twenty minutes at a time??? I told my husband I was glad the back door was closed and he wasn't able to get out into the back yard, because that would have been ugly!


Once I posted this, I figured out what it reminds me of! Bugs Bunny in the old cartoons where he is tunneling thru the ground in search of carrots! Except of course, these critters are above ground! B)

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Apollo does the same thing. It is so hilarious. What is even funnier, I think, is Apollo will do this when I wash only his paws. :P



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Mine do this too! It's soooo funny to watch them trying to "dry" themselves off.

Finch does this after she eats too...like my carpet is her personal washcloth!

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My first Cairn, after she would eat, would go into the living room and start at one end of the couch. She would "wipe" one side of her face along the sofa's "skirt", turn around and dry off the other side. I'd here my mom telling her, "YO! Ginger! My sofa is NOT your washcloth."

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Guest girliejr

Speaking of rubbing their bodies on carpet, couches and such.....Jack likes to "rub" around in smelly stuff outside! If there is a snail trail or dead worm, he will rub all over it with his face and then roll over on his back and roll in it! It is funny to watch him do this, but it isn't so funny when you know what he is rolling in! :( There for a while, we had a stray cat wondering into our yard and leaving us "presents". Need I say more? Oh yes, Jack managed to roll around in the "presents" a few times! :sick: Luckily, we don't have the stray cat problem anymore! Anyone else ever had this problem with their Cairns?

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Scout likes to roll herself in smelly stuff too! Her favorite is dead, dried up worms! I know, as soon as I see her rolling, that she's going to smell bad...quickly! A few days ago she was rolling in something in the backyard. When I told her to "leave it", she stopped. Finch, who is always in her shadow, picked up the object and started chewing it! I told her to "drop it", which she did. It was a black, dried up (very dead) frog! I tried to pick it up with some sticks but was having a hard time. I then just grabbed a brick (from a pile close by) and put it on top of the frog. I turned around, a few min. later, and Finch was digging under the brick! I went inside, put on a rubber glove, and picked the very dead frog up and threw it away.

I wish they had a fetish for flowers instead!

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Duffy will do the carpet thing after a bath and in the morning when he first gets up. Mickey has started doing the same thing. What big bro does, little bro wants to do too! It's amazing how Mickey wants to be like Duffy. Duffy is turning out to be a great big bro!


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Scully will do that with worms, dead or alive. If they're alive and you don't realize it she'll bring it in the house, play with it, drop it on the floor and rub herself on it. Blech! SUCH a little lady - NOT!

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Guest mrskti

Oh my gosh...i have a lot to look forward to!!! I have wood floors though so it should get interesting! :) Our old golden retriever, Murphy would go to the cow field next door and roll around in the cow pies....and once while walking the woods with me, he found a dead deer carcas and started rolling around on it, I freaked out!! how icky, even for a dog!!! I loved murph, but he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer!!! :P

2 weeks 4 days till baby pick up! Looks like i'll have to charge up the video camera too!!!

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While up at the lake this past weekend, ours nearly caught a SNAKE!!!!!! I think they are trying to kill me! I would rather they roll in cow poop, dead seagulls, eat worms, or anything else but a SNAKE!!!! Luckily at the time, they were on the expanding leash and I reeled them in fast as could be!

I think they are plotting to kill me!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Guest girliejr

OMG!! A snake?!!?!? I would have just fainted right then and there! Well, I am glad to see Jack isn't the only one who rolls in gross stuff! I can't tell you how many times I've had to give him an impromptu bath to wash cat poop off of him! At least the dead worm doesn't stick to his fur! :lol:

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Carolina does the face rubbing on the couch skirt after eating as well as the carpet after a bath.

The WORST thing she ever rolled in...a rotting crawdad claw! Our last house backed up to an irrigation ditch which contained crawdads. A cat must've caught one and dropped part of it in the lawn. Carolina found it, rolled in it and came inside. I was sitting probably 15 feet away from her and :sick::sick::sick: I could smell her! :sick::sick::sick: Never did a dog get thrown into the tub so quickly! I think I had to do a double or triple shampoo on that spot! Yeesh!

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And I, likewise!!! One of the funniest stories my husband likes to tell of me is when we lived in Okinawa while he was in the Marine Corps. We went to the beach one day and were lent some snorkling gear. Off we went for our first snorkling adventure ever! Well, we were quite a bit off shore, swimming thru huge formations of coral seeing the most beautiful fish ever. He in the lead, and I following up keeping an eye out for sea snakes because I heard they were in that part of the world. Now, you know if I hadn't been looking, I never would have seen the one that showed up directly below me in about 15' of water. I let out the scream of my life (up to that point, I was only 18!), and turned and swam for short as fast as I could go. He, being not as good a swimmer as I, got turned around when he heard this strange noise and all he saw was the wake of my flippers 50' in the distance. I was out of the water, 100' up from the shoreline and almost dried off with my clothes over my suit by the time he got there!!!

But yes, I agree, even though the snakes here are non poisonous, they are still snakes and I don't like them!!! I seriously doubt the dogs would ever catch up to me either!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Jazz goes in the barn with me wehn i do chores in the morning. Need I say more? She has all kinds of good stuff to roll in and doesn't miss a beat. I think it must be one of a dogs favorite things to do.LOL


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Ewwwww, snakes :shock:

I will pick up spiders, worms, frogs, even salamanders but I am terrified of snakes. I know Elliott is going to be a terror in our yard come the warmer weather. We have a large stone wall that harbors all kinds of creepy crawlers.

"DROP IT" is going to be one command that he absolutely must learn.

Madison is notorious for rolling in bird poop. I read somewhere that they think if they have the scent on them, they become invisible to their prey. Ha, last year Maddy was sitting in our bird bath waiting for her "peers" to join her. Couldn't believe she actually thought she now had feathers. :lol:

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Ewww, she ate a mouse? I thought they just shook the little things, I didn't know they would actually chew and swallow. :( Sorry, major rodent phobia.

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  • 6 years later...

Macallan does this - mostly rubbing his face on carpet. I looked up this thread because I wanted to understand why. He did just eat so maybe that was it - the washcloth idea. After his bath he rubs along walls leaving a wet trail about 6" off the ground the whole way around the basement.

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Well now...after reading all these old posts and having them put a smile on my face - I have to admit Layla does the exact same thing but not on the couch bottom but my wool braided rugs. AND...as I posted earlier last week - she found a newly deceased mouse and it was up and gone within seconds. I was horrified and knew it would be a long time till I allowed her to kiss me once again.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Yes Molly also wipes her face along the couch skirting anytime her face is wet, or gets something greasy on her snout. One poster mentioned the couch as a personal washcloth, which made me look to see if I posted that!!..

When I first got Molly I spent a week here reading. I wanted to know if she would EVER quit eating everything in sight, weather it crawled or just laid there, like a clump of grass...Molly just turned a year old and hasn't even slowed down. If it moves she eats it, and when let out in the yard she grazes..We were forever taking frogs out of her mouth at the last house, she hasn't managed to eat one yet, but I'm convinced only because we knew what to watch for, and could get to her soon enough...Drop it? As a command? You should see the twinkle in her eye when you tell her to drop it..it's not happening, unless whatever you have in your hand is better than what's in her mouth..She knows perfectly well what it means..

And She is also one to roll in any nasty thing in the yard, cat presents, clumps of unknown, dead frogs, worms, bugs...the list is endless.. :sick: .

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