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Fashion Accessory or Canine Crime?


A Cairn Talker is spotted with a Puppy Purse. What do you do?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. A Cairn Talker is spotted with a Puppy Purse. What do you do?

    • "You look fabulous, darling"
    • Send them directly to jail. Repossess the dog.
    • Insist it's a lunchbox. Ask where they keep the thermos.
    • No time to vote - I'm off to buy one right now!

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You're supposed to lug you dogs around in that??? Like a purse??? Goodness.....I have to admit I think it would look hysterical and Cooper would probably love it! Yoda, I am sure would have nothing to do with it.....and if I am already lugging around a purse that weighs a ton plus my knitting bag on top of that....why????? :huh:


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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That's definitely not a fashion statement to me. :thumbsdown: To me, that's not a proper way to carry a dog anyways. Little dogs like those posing in the ridiculous purses are much more comfortable being scooped up w/ one hand under their hind quarters for security.

I wish that site was just a sick joke, poor pups.

Had to add, those cute pups don't even look happy posing in the purses let alone being lifted up by the handle.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Oops...I didn't look at the link before I voted. Sorry! Now I vote for putting the puppy purse holder in jail & repossessing the dog! I guess it's been a really long day!

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That is just uncomfortable looking to me, imagine how that feels on the neck no support what so ever... in a couple of those shots it looks like the puppies are trying to draw themselves up so that they are not touching it. Whats sad is I wouldn't be surprised to start seeing this kind of thing popping up in Hollywood, after all the Ugg shoes were popular.... :ermm: - Darsey

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Guest girliejr
:mad: Those dogs in the pics don't look at all happy! I really hope this doesn't "catch on".... hopefully no one will buy them and that company will stop making them!
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Perhaps there are some breeds of dogs out there willing to be "accessories," but that doesn't describe the cairn! Allie would squirm her way right out of one of those things.

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sbudd, don't feel bad.  I did it too.  I thought they were those cute purses with the picture on it.  I, too, would change my vote to send them to jail.  That's awful!


The poll was actually inspired by those real handbags. I thought when I saw a link yesterday for 'puppy purses' - "hey, more stuff" - but had to roll my eyes when I saw that the puppy WAS the purse. Good gracious.

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Here I was looking at the dogs in the link wondering where the Cairn was and thinking they were stuffed doggie purses. Okay, it took me a moment or two to realize what I was seeing and it is awful.

Don't worry though, it won't take long before the animal activists put a stop to that product.

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Crime, crime, crime!! If I ever saw someone carrying around a dog like that, I know that I would have to say something rude :censored:


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Too funny! At first glance, I thought it was a puppy-shaped purse and thought my daughter would love one! Then I realized that they were actually DOGS inside harnesses! ICK! I'm trying to image carrying Charlie around like that..... Don't think he would like it much. Do they just poop in mid-air as you're walking? ;-) lol I vote criminal.

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Okay...I don't like those bags.

Now, after reading your posts I am worried about Grilly's daba doo.

We bought it when we moved to the city....for the crowded sidewalks...

so he doesn't get stepped on. When I take him to events....I bring the

daba doo. He doesn't mind it at all. My question is .. do you all think

this is uncomfortable for him?


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Erm, well, I hate to be a cave-dwelling stereotype, but, um, a daba doo just doesn't seem like a *guy* thing - so my views may not be representative :P

I probably shouldn't be so harsh on those puppy purse things either. I will admit that I've snatched a dog up by the harness every now and again - usually when faced with some off-lead dog of questionable intention - so to the extent that a handle might make that easier I suppose one could have its uses. It just that whole carrying the dog around AS A PURSE that freaks me out.

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Grillywarren, I don't think that would be too uncomfortable, especially for short periods of time. I think Grilly will let you know if he doesn't like it and will start to squirm around.

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Obviously the person who invented these things is not a lover of dogs. He's only in it for the money, of which I hope he gets none.

I think he/she should be put in one of these things and carried around for a while. Owee! :thumbsdown:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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I thought it was going to be NEW purses that the pooches actually go inside of! Now that would be less humiliating and uncomfortable looking for the poor creatures with parents insensitive enough to buy one of those!

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