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Another Update, GRRRR


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A quick update, as some of you may know I had a deposit sent to a breeder for a down payment on a new pup. I littler becomes "ill" and breeder agrees to refund deposit.

Now here it is almost a full month later and she is suddenly refusing any type of communication. My wife and I have sent numberous emails, phone calls with at least a 1/2 dozen messages. Even went as far as sending a self addressed stamped envelope with our decision of a full refund.

Seeing how I sent a Postal Money Order, I went to their web site and downloaded Mail Fraud Forms. I had a little chat at the post office while I was there and they seem to think that our claim is vaild. So I filled out the forms, and sent her another letter along with a copy of the forms, this time stating if we didn't see our refunding in 2 weeks we would persue this matter to it's full content!!!

We really hate to get nasty, but we feel we are being treated very unfairly, and could really use the $300 towards the pup we located from a different breeder.

Sorry for the RANT, I just need to blow of some steam... :mad:


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I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I know you don't want to get nasty, but you have every right to get that money back. It's not your fault any of this happened and hopefully she'll be honest and give you the refund like she promised. Good luck and keep us posted. When do you get your puppy from the other breeder?


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You have every right to go after that breeder and I would be plenty mad :mad: Even if she has a reason for not getting back to you (ill, hospital, away...) the refund should have been done immediately.

I hope the threat of legal action gets her moving and you can find a more reputable breeder. Hand in there...

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I have been reading some about pedigrees and read about GCL. I wonder if maybe one of the breeding pair was a carrier and that's why the puppies died.

I think you are doing the right thing going after your money. It doesn't sound like they are very responsible breeders.

I wish there was a way to stop people like that!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Greg, good for you - keep after her with all resources available to getting your money back. How about the Better Business Bureau as far as reporting her for shoddy business traits. I don't know if they would handle breeders though.

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Boy, that really stinks! Keep us informed of what happens, and I will be keeping my fingers crossed that you get your money back!

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