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Introducing myself, and Tiki Bob


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I've been silently watching this forum ever since my wife and I started thinking about getting a cairn, and yesterday we got ours :)

It's my wife's first dog, my first cairn (but like 10th dog), so it should be an interesting experience from everything I've read :)

So without further ado...I present...

Tiki Bob!



There we go..


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Jeff, welcome to our little family - and BIG smooches to Tiki Bob (I LOVE that name!). He is absolutely adorable!

How did he get such a unique name?

Best of luck with him, I know he'll bring you and your family a lot of happiness.

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Thanks for the kind words, Scully's Mom...

We named him after the place my wife and I met..a club (yeah i know, meeting at clubs is bad!) named Tiki Bob's :)

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Welcome!! I love Tiki Bob...he is absolutely precious!!! Enjoy your many years of fun with him!!! We're looking forward to all of your stories and more pictures!!!!!


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(yeah i know, meeting at clubs is bad!)

I met my husband on-line in a discussion board. Talk about bad!

Do you call him Tiki or Bob for short?

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Looks like I'm in love, AGAIN! :wub:

He is just the sweetest thing. I want to reach out and cuddle him. I just have to have a dark Cairn, I just have to, have to....

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Welcome! I also wanted to add a hello to you and Tiki Bob. He is adorably cute! I am looking forward to hearing more from you in the future! - Darsey

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Welcome!! (though I am new enough to the forum that I feel a little cheeky welcoming you... ;) )

You will LOVE this adorable little pup, I am sure. We have had our Charlie a little over a week and he has become, without question, a member of our family, even in that little of time. Even my husband loves him, and he was a bit uncertain about the whole getting-a-dog-idea.

I know Tiki's eyes probably aren't blue but what a great picture! Blue eyes, blue collar.... Tiki could be a Movie Star! B)

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Guest mrskti

oh my gosh he is sweet! And I love that name....

three weeks and counting till our babies are home! I can't wait.

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Guest webstar

Welcome Tiki Bob, from Molly an me. You sure look like a sweetheart. All these black babies make me repeat over and over to myself "Gram you are to old to get a baby" MG

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Welcome Jeff and Tiki Bob! I am still fairly new here too, but I just have to say...

What a sweet, adorable little puppy!

I can't wait to hear about his adventures!


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Thanks for the nice welcome from everybody :)

Here are a couple more pics from today...

First off here he was playing a bit.....


And then here he is sleeping with mommy once he got worn out playing after she got home...


Tiki Bob seems to be doing well so far..a few diarrhea issues, but I hear that's to be expected the first day or so, so hopefully it'll clear up soon...my wife's kinda grumpy because he appears to be a bit of a couch potato like me..as we speak he's watching "American Idol"...hrm.. I'm going to have to try and improve his taste in TV :)

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