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Happy Halloween!!!


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Happy Halloween to all little devil dogs :devil:

Sounds like trick or treating is back on for this year in my neighborhood, so it will be interesting to see what transpires. We were already buttered up yesterday by some little girls from the family across the street who delivered a hand-made card declaring us "the best neighbors." Peggy said they were clutching a small stack of them, no doubt to prepare the other houses in case any of them forgot to stock up on treats :P 

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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It's the cairn eye that complete the great pic

I tried to post a pic of Angus's huge teeth to scare the world but somehow even with Brad's help I couldn't manage it. Oh well....... Happy scary evening to all cairns and their friends.....:evil:

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We had a little "Dorothy" visit our house last night. Of course we had to bring out out little "Toto". She was thrilled, and her mom had to take a pic. I didn't have my phone with me. :(



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Eliz222 wrote:  'We had a little "Dorothy" visit our house last night..."

Here's "our" Dorothy at the local Dog Park Halloween Parade:


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