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Close Encounters of the Feline Kind


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:D We brought Fergus home tonight - our cats have always had dogs (and our dogs have always had cats) But first meetings are always mements of anxiety :whistle: ... no worries. Neb (the black cat) is very mellow; for the most part just did his sphinx imitation but made an occasional trip over to sniff the new member of the family.


Charle (the orange cat) is a little skittish with everyone and he treated Fergus just like everyone else... a little curiosity, minor alarm, and generally standoffish.


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Aww, he's play bowing. You have to put the 2nd picture on that puppy butt website, its just too cute.

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Those pictures are precious. I couldn't imagine Madison, my cat hater, accepting a feline into our household.

Playtime at your house is bound to be a riot...pics, pics, and more pics please!

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Oh, Fergus is sooooo cute!!!! I love the pictures and it looks like Fergus will become fast friends with his feline housemates!

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Oh how adorable! :wub: I remember when my cairns were smaller than the cat. Kiara and Abbey can't stand the cat and will chase him down every chance they get. Hannah could care less we have a cat. It's funny, the cat will tease Kiara and Abbey to no end just to get a rise in them.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Cute, cute, cute!!

Now let's see that little guy's face :halo: !


P.S. I feel a case of the smoooooochies comin' on!!!

Cathy and Piper

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Ah, yes! Definitely wanna give Fergus the smoooooochies!!

Do y'all see that 'wild eye' in the last pic?? KILL the rat!!! LOL!


Cathy and Piper

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Okay, I need to know this.....

Does everybody clean up their house/rooms before taking pictures of their Cairns? I cannot believe how neat and "toy-less" all your rooms are.

My den is an obstacle course of dog toys that eventually make it to every other room in our house. :P

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Well, Fergus has been here less than 24 hours - but we do have cat toys scattered around. And we have lots of Fergus toys, but we haven't even de-packaged them yet. (Also, my wife was out of town for the last 3 weeks, so I recently cleaned up for her return and yesterday's Fergus arrival.)


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Are you kidding...notice..Logan's bad mommy has never put a picture of him on here. I would have to hire an anti clutter team just to find the dog to take a picture. Our home is very.....VERY lived in.

Maybe this will spur me forward to clean up a little :lol:

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Fergus is adorable! He looks just like my Duffy did at that age. I love the pic with him and the black cat!


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Kayharley, I have a puppy toy right next to me on the couch. Across the room is a bin with puppy toys in it. To the left is another toy, right in front of the bin is another toy. On the other side of the room is the pool table. On top of the table are the toys that are in " the toy hospital". Below the pool table is a few more puppy toys. On the wing chairs are a few more toys...get the picture??? Toys, toys, and more toys!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Sometimes I feel like we are living in a great big kennel! And I wouldn't have it any other way!

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Guest webstar

I wish Molly could get that close to our cat Holly and so does Molly. Molly gets to rambunctious and frightens Holly away, not that Holly can't hold her own on the occasions when a fight breaks out. Fergus is beautiful. MG

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Fergus looks so sweet. I love the expressions on his little black face. see all these cute puppies are going to cause me to have to get another!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Fergus is adorable!! I loved all of the pictures, but the one of him taking a little nap melted my heart!!! Enjoy him and keep posting those pictures!!


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We have some spots in the fence that Fergus may be able to wiggle under, so I bought some garden border fencing. I tried setting up a square in the living room and putting Fergus in to see what he would do. Well he just crawled under it, but Neb jumped in after Fergus vacated.

"There's more than one way to keep this puppy at bay."


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Awwww, Fergus is SO cute! Banjo usually has all of his toys (bless his heart, he doesn't have THAT many - ha!) spread all over the living room by evening. However, when we get ready to go to bed, I tell him that it's time to pick up his toys. Unfortunately, it's time for ME to pick up all of his toys.

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