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Let's show off our cairn's best smile.


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Does your cairn smile? :) Here's Kiara showing off her best smile.


Here's Abbey showing her best smile.


I don't have one of Hannah, she only howls. :D

Let's see your cairn's smiles. :)


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I just can't resist putting up some pics of Apollo when he was a wee little guy.

Here he is with my step-daughter.


And another...


And last year with his raincoat on.




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Heres a few of Reb actually he is hamming for a treat



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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How the heck do you get them to smile? I know there is a book on how to do it somewhere..My friends JRT smiles all the time, especially when her hubby sings to the dog. All he has to do is sing and she smiles, and guess what he is singing? "When youre smiling...." I saw a picture of it, it was hilarious!

I tried to get Rocky to do it this afternoon, even before I read the posts on this...after he got his staples out and his "cone" off, haha.. (freedom!!)....by blowing in his face lightly, only I didn't have a camera.. I will see if I can do it again.

How funny! Very cute pictures!!! :lol:


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Hooray Toto smiled and I caught it on camera! (During a vigorous game of "Hey mom throw my squeaky toy again, and again, and again...) Boy it was hard to take a picture with a camera obviously made for the rightys of the world while throwing a squeaky toy with my left. BTY this is my floor when I have not vacumed.. :whistle: . So without further ado....

Toto smiling!

And this I cannot resist posting and is by far my favorite titled...

How you doin'?

Isn't he adorable! :wub:

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Hahahahahaha! How could you not smile and laugh back at all these great pictures!! Thanks for brightening my cold, snowy, windy day. :D

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looks close enough for me MikeC

I just love our Cairn's........I have my daughter working on a Cairn cartoon strip.......I can't wait to show you all! With personalities like they have the story lines are endless!


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I have two actually, you tell me which you Cairn lovers like better the first or the second. This is Digby at Christmas, smiling for his Christmas pictures.



“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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