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Petey's new dig


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Petey has taken a liken to digging in the leaf mulch....boy does he get filthy. Between this and the red Georgia clay....no way he can go more than 5 or 6 weeks without a bath. :confused:


Just take a look at that face :devil:


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Awww, very cute!!! Finch likes to stick her head in leaves too....they look so funny with their butt up in the air and their head hidden!

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Petey is so cute! Just standing there in the mulch like "Who.. me?" Alas, I also have to deal with the Georgia red clay, luckily for me Toto has not discovered digging in the dirt yet.... But that I'm sure will change this summer. :D - Darsey

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Greg......thanks for sharing Petey's pics!

I like how you've captured his LOVE of digging!! Just like the soccer ball, too. That was also a great pic!


Cathy and Piper

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Tink sleeps with us - between us, under the sheets and on our pillows. During the night last night I turned over and felt all this "stuff" in my bed. When I woke up this morning I realized it was pieces of leaves all over the place - ugh. Well, what can I do - she is so much fun to cuddle with, so I'm sure it will happen again because she won't be banished from the bed.



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Oh wow...Petey sure looks like he's having a ball. Since we don't have a yard (which is a good thing in this case), Axle and Cami dig their pillow instead and do so very vigorously. Makes me laugh everytime I see them in this phase. Now, if only they were digging for gold...

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During the night last night I turned over and felt all this "stuff" in my bed.  When I woke up this morning I realized it was pieces of leaves all over the place - ugh.



Ah yes, Carolina likes to lie on my pillow during the day and in the evening right before I come to bed. There have been many a times I find those things UNDER my pillow when I wake up in the morning! :mad:

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Cute pics! I'm beginning to think these guys have some ostrich in them. Gidget digs for everything. So far I have 4 holes outside. One in the yard, and three in the flower bed. She digs until you can't even see her head.

I have moles also. Can't wait until this summer when she will be old enough to really go after them. Hope she will rid me of the little varments.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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