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Male vs Female

Guest mrskti

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Guest mrskti

What is the opinion on the temperment of male cairn's vs female cairns. I have a chance at either sex and wondered what everyone's preference was and why. I'm leaving saturday to check them out. :D

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When I decided on a Cairn I did a lot of reading and found that males are more affectionate and a little more willing to please their humans than females are. I know that there are those out there who may disagree so I am only going by what I have read and not from personal experience. I am sure however that whatever sex you decide on you will be very happy. Cairns are a wonderful breed!


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I have 2 females and one male Cairn and they have entirely different personalities that I can't really attribute to their sex.

Madison is very excitable but so loving and affectionate. Winnie is aloof and Elliott is a bit of both. All I know for sure is that they have just about every one of the Cairn traits and that's good enough for me.

Unless you're looking to breed or have other dogs in your household, in my opinion the sex wouldn't make much of a difference when picking out a pup from a litter.

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I have a male cairn, Axle and a female cairn, Cami. Both seem affectionate in their own way as Axle sometimes cuddles with us for a long period of time while Cami cuddles for a bit but later moves away to her pillow. However, Cami greets us with her sexy wiggling butt everytime we come home from work while Axle go grabs his toy. Axle is more aggressive and fearless while Cami is more timid.

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Our female, Abby, is very affectionate and friendly. She loves people and she loves giving kisses!!! I think it just depends on the puppy. I don't think you would go wrong with either one...they're great!!!!


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Guest mrskti

thanks everyone. I sorta wondered if it was just how you were with your puppy, you get back what you give maybe. My husband said "maybe we should get two"!!! Well...anything you say dear!!! :thumbsup:

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I always had male dogs, large breeds and prefered that. That was until I fell in love w/ my cairn girls. Female works better for me being I have 2 large males. My 3 females are all very different. My oldest, Kiara is my vocal/sassy girl. She tolerates hugs but prefers being next to you on the couch or between your legs on the recliner. She prefers her daddy and will melt in his arms. My middle one, Abbey loves nothing more than hugs. She is constantly jumping at my legs to be picked up and cuddled. She is an extremely loving cairn. My youngest, Hannah doesn't know she's a dog. This little female must think she's a Yorkie that needs to be carried and pampered all day. She is so full of love that one look at her wiggling in half for your attention, you end up dropping what you were doing to play w/ her. She's the only one who prefers to sleep in our bed, even likes her head on my pillow.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Guest webstar

I've had both male and female dogs and I prefer a female, only because they don't pick up their leg to pee on everything. A walk with them means a stop at every hydrant, lampost and mailbox. Molly picks her foot up about an inch to pee, I think its to keep it from getting wet from the trickle on the ground. Or is this another cairn trait? MG

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I think it just depends on what you prefer. I don't know that one has a better termperment than the other. Both will show affection in their own way, but that is the case with each different dog regardless of the gender. I like males because they are less of a problem to get fixed. I also think male dogs tend to show the characteristics of the breed better than a female. Thicker bones, more muscle etc...But either way you will love either sex to death, they make wonderful pets.

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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Guest mrskti

well good, then i wont worry which sex we get...maybe one of each. I was totally surprised when the hubby mentioned getting two, so he could have one!!! Guess it was that baby at the pet store nibbling on his ear that changed his mind! A friend called me to tell me a local place had them, which I never bought from a petstore before cause of the whoopla that surrounds that subject. but i did want to see one of them. I was surprised when they brought a paper out that listed the breeder and her address and all. I figured that was a big secret!! But i'm looking forward to the visit to the other breeder iv'e been talking with in TN. can't wait to see them.

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I have had only one male Cairn, and he came from a pet store (DH's Bday present to me...sigh). I won't go into details, but he just didn't work out for us. All the other Cairns we have owned have been female. Scout and Finch are very different. Scout does't like to be held while I'm standing or walking and prefers to sit next to me, on the couch, rather than on my lap, although she will sit on my lap every once in awhile. Finch, on the other hand, LOVES to be held while I'm standing. She curls her feet under her and rests her head on my shoulder. She also loves to sit on my lap. Her favorite position is laying on my lap with her back to me and her legs sticking out. She will sleep, and snore...for long periods of time, especially when I rub her tummy.

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Just about everyone I know with a Cairn who hangs around at all with other Cairn people ends up with two eventually. Many don't stop there :P However, I'd advise against two puppies at the same time. Getting two littermates is even worse. Individual attention is CRITICAL for a new puppy and most people significantly underestimate the amount of attention, consistency, and discipline necessary to get two Cairn pups well socialized to the world more than to each other. An adult and a puppy is a bit more manageable. I think when the first one is around two is a good time to get another puppy.

Yes, of course, there are also counterexamples of folks who've gotten littermates and done just fine.

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My dh was just telling me last night about this couple that had purchased 2 male cairn pups back when we brought home Hannah. He had bumped into them a few times and they always had training issues having two, especially housetraining. Well this last time he saw them, they had gotten rid of one of the puppies (now 10 mths old). It was just more than they could handle.

I agree w/ Brad, start off w/ one. You can always add a new addition once your first one is trained. Our 1st and 2nd cairns are 2 1/2 yrs apart which was a perfect time to have a 2nd one. Our 2nd and 3rd cairn are only 6 mths apart. I'm glad I have my 3rd but my 2nd one regressed a bit and started having some housebreaking issues so it was like starting over for me w/ 2 puppies to train. I'd never have them this close in age again, it was alot of work at first. Now that they're 10mths, 16 mths, and 3 1/2 yrs, it's really alot of fun.

Enjoy the fun of one. That 2nd one will come when the time is right.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Guest webstar

If gender isn't an issue then take the one that comes to you first when they are put on the floor. Let he or she pick you. When I got Molly the breeder told me color don't matter the color changes as they age. She was right. MG

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Although we have had both male and female dogs, we have only had female cairns. Still, they have been as different as night and day. I think it's more important to pick the puppy than the sex, and to consider where that dog is in the "hierarcy" of the litter and pack in that home. Our first cairn lived to please us, and she was very very cuddly right from the moment she came home. Our second -- a very alpha dog in her litter -- still lives to please herself, and it's a daily challenge to stay in the lead! This more dominant female, incidentally, "marks" throughout her daily walks and has been known to lift her leg. I love her outgoing personality, though, and she is worth the effort. She's a really funny dog, and her antics (usually aimed at whatever she wants at that moment) are worth lots of laughs.

A good breeder will have a sense of the dog's personality, and should be able to help you choose what dog you want.

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I've found myself asking this question also every now and then. Enya is the first Cairn I've had. She loves everyone but, she seems to be more affectionate towards men. (Or could it be that she knows that daddy won't fuss at her and she can get away with more from him than me?) I've always heard though that males tend to be more loving than the girls. But, I also that once they become neutered that both sexes tend to be more affectionate. I'm not sure if there's a grain of truth to that last part, but, I'll find out soon enough.

Enya's Mommy


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I don't know but was told the females are bossy and will rule the other dogs. I may if everything works out be getting a female from the breeder I got Reb from. I would like a female but male is ok. I think it might be easier bringing a female into the house but since the other two are neutered it really should not matter.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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