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Speaking of baby gates...


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I have a large deck off of our breakfast room and a nice size front porch. I would love to find a way to block off the steps so Finch and Scout would be contained on the deck or porch. We don't have a fenced in yard, so they have to be on a lead when they are outside. The lead is very long and they have almost full access of our back yard which is 100 feet wide. I would like to be able to sit out on our deck and porch and have Finch and Scout sit outside with me.

The front porch has a pretty wide staircase and the back deck has two sets of steps. One is a standard width, but the other is just as wide as the front porch.

I have tried to find baby gates to fit these steps, but I can't find any wide enough. Do you know where I can find a wide baby gate, or do you have ideas of how I can block off the steps? I'd love to be able to sit out on my deck/porch and drink a cup of java with my pups right next to me!


This is the only picture I could find of my porch....sorry about the Christmas picture! LOL! The back deck has a set of steps this wide so I need two sets of wide baby gates. My DH thought we may be able to find some type of mesh material and the velcro it to the gate, but I'm afraid they would just crawl under and escape!

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Back when I had babies (seems like a million years ago) we had one that STREEETCHED across the opening, then it would slide back to one side when not in use. Or, you could try to make one yourself. Our back deck has steps that go down to the backyard. There are about 6 steps, then a landing, then 6 more steps. The previous owner had a gate built out of the same material as the deck that closes at the landing. How thoughtful of them! We use it when grilling out on the back deck and don't want Petey down in the back yard digging another hole and getting all muddy again. Your house is lovely, BTW, all decked out in Christmas lights. Good luck!

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What a beautiful home you have, shoe! Have you thought about going to Home Depot or Lowes and see what type of gates they have? You might be able to get a pre-fab gate to put up. Since it's not a temporary thing, you're planning on having dogs, I would spend the extra money to put up something sturdy and make the gate seem part of the architecture. That's just me. Good luck!


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Thanks AAP, and Thela! I will look at Home Depot to see what they have. I don't think I want a gate on the front porch, but I can easily see the gates on our back deck! I'll have DH check it out this weekend (I have to work...sigh). It would be wonderful to be able to enjoy my deck without feeling guilty that Scout and Finch are out in the backyard!

What I REALLY want is a fenced in backyard, but it's out of our budget for now.

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Hi Shoe,

We have a similar situation in our home with the deck. We had a carpenter come in and custom make a gate that swings open and shut. It can be held back with a hook at times that it is not used. So, as in the case of your front porch, the gate itself would be held back with a hook and not visible at all times.

The gate was designed to match the type of spindles/wood used in the existing structure. I hope this makes sense.

I would take a picture and post it buty I just recently purchased a new computer with Windows XP OS, my camera's softwqare was for Windows 98. I need to figure iout how to get the softward to work with Windows Xp.

I am curious how you set up the leads for both dogs in the backyard so they don't get tangled up with each other?

We will be bringing home our new pup on Sunday, and would need to set up a similar arrangement so both dogs can play together.

I guess we will have to put up a fence in the spring!



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Well as usual I'm late with my "advice"...LOL - but, I was thinking about a white vinyl gate to match your porch (if that's the white vinyl). We are having the vinyl fencing installed this summer out back for Scully and they had different size gates.

You can also do a google for "vinyl fence" and "vinyl gate", as that's how I came up with the style I wanted for out back. Like someone mentiond, Lowes and Home Depot carry the fencing and our fencing is coming from Home Depot.

Your home is absolutely magnificent - I would kill just to have the porch.

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Your house is totally awesome! I can picture sitting on that porch in the summer, listening to the birds, sipping iced tea, rocking in a wicker chair...Oops, back to earth...

There were some nice gates in here..hope I sent the site correctly.



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Thanks for all the help, everyone!!! Our deck has vinyl posts, so I'm not sure if I can attach anything to it without cracking the vinyl, but the pressure gates may work out well. I'm still going to see what Home Depot or Lowe's has before I decide. I'm looking forward to sitting out on my deck this spring!

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Nice house, Shoe. :thumbsup: If you're planning on these gates to be permanent, why not contact some local fencing companies around you and get an estimate on some classy gates to go w/ your house. Once the gates are up, you can have us all over for a cairn chat/party. :party::chat::party::cake::party::party:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Our house has vinyl siding and over a year ago, out of desperation, I attached a dog pen to it.

Nothing cracked, We screwed in eyes (as in hooks and eyes). Our house really looks "lovely" now. But the dog can't escape.

And we have to leap the fence every time we come home.

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I don't have any other ideas on gates besides what has already been posted. I just wanted to say that your house is beautiful!! Wouldn't it be great if we all really could get together and have a Cairn chat/party?!!


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We have a tiny backyard, but it is not well fenced in. There is the usual wire fencing on 3 sides, open on the 4th. We are trying to figure out what type of fencing will provide protection for our pup without giving him an opportunity to dig his way out.

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