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New Puppy


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Well I finally got a Cairn! His name is Elvis and he is 9 weeks old. I tried to post a photo but I can't seem to do it. Thank you to everyone who responded to my previous post about getting ready for him to come home. All your messages were a great help. Especially the advice for tons of paper towels! I can't believe I actually have one and am not just reading posts and wishing!


"If I only had a Cairn."

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I figured it out!! (Thank you Brad for all your notes :) ) Here he is!


"If I only had a Cairn."

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What a cutey pie indeed!

Again, another attack of the smoochies comin' on!!


P.S. I do see a little bit of :devil: in those eyes! Anxious to hear your tales!

Cathy and Piper

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Elvis is so cute.... How did you decide on the name?


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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What a sweet face! I'll bet it won't be long before he's "the king" in your house! Oh, wait, I'll bet he already is...

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Yet ANOTHER sweetie-pie Cairn. Elvis is SO adorable. Boy we're really having a puppy rush going on here aren't we??

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Elvis is adorable and has a cute name!! Congrats!!

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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I love him! He is so adorable :wub:

I love all the puppy hair. It seems kind-of

sad when they grow out of it. Enjoy and kiss

Elvis for me.



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Thank you for all your good wishes everyone! Hallswell, My husband is an Elvis fan, and when the kids and I were sitting around trying to pick a boy's name, my husband said "Elvis, of course!" We never thought of anything else, so Elvis it is. He is so curious already, typical Cairn. He is gated in the kitchen right now, but whenever one of the kids leaves the gate open, he dashes into the living room and steals one of their toys! :devil: The poor kids are in for a rude awakening once he is allowed out. It's a little tough right now, but when he plops in my lap for a nap, it's just wonderful. :wub:


"If I only had a Cairn."

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