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Duffy's new brother arriving today


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Hi Everyone,

Well, today Duffy's new little Westie brother (whom we have already named Mickey) will be arriving. I pick him up at the airport at 2:30 p.m. Originally we had planned to get our Westie pup from a breeder in Northern CA, but by a quirck of fate I found out that the breeder we got Duffy from also breeds Westies and she had two 14 week old males left. Knowing her great reputation and also experiencing first hand the quality of her dogs, we decided to get the Westie from her. His AKC paper name will be McTavish's Highland Fling. Anyway, we are looking forward to picking him up and bringing him home to start his life with his new family. New crate and toys are waiting as is an older brother whom we hope will be a good influence (yeah, right!) on this new little guy. I will post some pictures as soon as I can.


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Guest Darcy's mom

Hey Mike,

Congratulations on the new member of your family. I know Mickey will bring you much you and companionship just as Duffy has. I have always loved the Westie breed but could not afford one. Of course, the Cairn is closest to my heart and always will be. Can't wait to see pics of Mickey.

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Mike, that's TERRIFIC news - I know Mickey's going to be a terrific addition to your family. I can't wait to see pictures. Where does he have to fly in from?

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Hi Joanne,

He is coming in from Missouri. Started off in Joplin, then to St. Louis, then to Dallas-Ft. Worth, then on to San Jose where I live. This little guy is going to be pretty pooped when he gets home!


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Mike, that's one well-traveled little guy. Guess it's a guarantee he'll sleep through his first night home. I can't imagine a long trip like that, phew!

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Just reading your post and all the replies got me excited. How I love the "new puppy syndrome". The first night, the first bark, the first poop, those first kisses...someone stop me now!!!

The Westies are adorable and I think a Cairn and a Westie make a wonderful pair.

The pics will be well worth the wait...enjoy!

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I'm so happy for you Mike! :) I know you've been waiting for your new addition and will be thinking of you tonight sitting around doing nothing but watching Mickey and Duffy. :D

Make sure your batteries are charged in your camera. I can't wait to see pics of your new little guy.

I'll be checking back just to see Mickey's pic.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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