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Are there any Therapy dogs out there?


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Scully just gives so much love she'd be great at that BUT, she's not very well behaved. She still jumps on people and wants to kiss them...LOL! The dogs that I've seen are very low key and quiet. That leaves Scully out. :P

My mom lives with us and last spring she had heart catherization. The day after the catherization she was sitting on the sofa with a newspaper sitting on the coffee table and she was sitting bent over looking at the paper. I was sitting across the room from her and when I looked over I couldn't tell if she was still reading the paper or if she was asleep and I was starting to get worried. Scully was sitting on my lap and all of a sudden sat up and watched my mom. She jumped off my lap and very quietly (for once), jumped up on the sofa next to my mom, sat down and looked at her and gently put her paw on my mom's arm. My mom woke up and when she did Scully just got down and went about her business. It amazed me how in-tune with your feelings these Cairns can be.

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Joanne, that is a great story about Scully. What a sweet and loving dog you have.

I'd also be interested in finding more information about Cairns as therapy dogs. Liddy is a far, far, far cry from anything even closely resembling well-behaved, but she is great with kids. My mom is a teacher and I take Liddy to visit every once and awhile. She is always very patient and covers the kids with kisses.

A friend of mine's lab/husky mix, Ricki, is a therapy dog and she has told me how rewarding it is to take Ricki to retirement homes and see how well the residents respond to the dog.

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Well we are going to start our obedience classes soon, and I figure if I take the obedience classes over and over and possibly get the good canine citizen award it might be possible. Even if he isn't suited for it by then, he will have to have learned some manners I figure. :confused:

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That is what I wanted to do with Rebel we have sucessfully failed the test twice. But that is ok we are still trying. I also do clowning and I have a stroller that I put the dogs in and we walk have walked many a parade routes and they have done wonderfully. I have also taken Reb to a nursing home and he did great just can't pass the test, I think it because I get so nervous and he senses it.

I am thinking about trying another group, they run the tests in a hospital setting and he would do great there but when there is 10 other dogs around Rebel wants to meet and play with them!

My pug on the other hand would pass the test I think but I don't want to take one without the other


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I was really and I mean really involved as a cub scout leader and ran day camps and one year the theme for the day camp was Under the Big Top, well the rest is history. I got my infomation from the Shrine Club when I began. They will show you how to do makeup and figure out a costume. Here is a picture at one of our departments fundraisers, I only clown for when I want to I don't make any money just for fun! I don't dress up the dogs because it makes it hard to pet them.



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Wow. that is just awesome! Thanks for posting that pic. I am thinking how cool that would be! You have really got me interested. Did the dog FREAK when he first saw you in makeup??

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Liz all I can say is WoW what a great picture. And what a lot of fun that must be. I worked in a nursing home a long time ago and always brought my dog in to visit the residents they loved it. It reminded them of dogs they once owned that left paw prints in their book of memories. MG

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